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12 - 15 May

Book World Prague 2016
22nd international book fair and literary festival

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Fakulta humanitních studií Univerzity Karlovy v Praze (P202, )

U Kříže 8
158 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
  • PhDr. Marie Kratochvílová, Ph.D.,
  • ,
Publications on the humanities, the magazines Urban People and History - Theory - Criticism.

FANTOM Print – Libor Marchlík (P613, )

Hollarova 6
702 00 Ostrava
Czech Republic
  • Libor Marchlík, majitel
  • Tomáš Němec, marketing a PR
Largest Czech publishing house focused on fantasy, sci-fi and horror.

Filmový ústav (S116, )

Grösslingová 32
811 09 Bratislava 1
Slovak Republic
  • Karmen Koutná,
  • ,
tel.: +421 2 5710 1501
fax: +421 2 5296 3461
Art publications and catalogues, calendars, multimedia.

Filosofia, nakladatelství Filosofického ústavu AV ČR, v. v. i. (P403A, )

Jilská 1
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
  • Mgr. Jakub Hromek,
  • ,
tel.: +420 221 183 356, 221 183 333, mob.: +420 724 663 801
We publish books on philosophy and studies in related disciplines.

FINIDR, s.r.o. (P206, )

Lípová 1965, P.O.Box 135
737 01 Český Těšín
Czech Republic
  • Eva Pavlincová, Obchodní Manager
  • Monika Ocieczková, Marketing Manager
tel.: +420 558 772 279, mob.: +420 777 488 706
fax: +420 558 772 221
Largest book producer in the Czech Republic; specialists since 1994 – HIGH-QUALITY WORK, TIMELY DELIVERY.

Finské velvyslanectví (S201, )

Hellichova 1
118 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
  • Ari Tasanen, ministerský rada
  • ,
tel.: +420 251 177 251
fax: +420 251 177 241
The Embassy of Finland promotes Finnish-Czech cultural cooperation.

Flexibooks - Fraus Media, s.r.o. (P201, )

Edvarda Beneše 72
301 00 Plzeň
Czech Republic
  • Mgr. Eva Králová, ředitelka
  • Ing. Pavel Bláha, vedoucí marketingu a obchodu
tel.: +420 377 236 111
Flexibooks carry over 5000 professional and educational literature titles in e-book form.

Forlagið (S201, )

Bræðraborgarstíg 7
101 Reykjavík
  • ,
  • ,

Fortuna – nakladatelství učebnic (P101, )

Ostrovní 30
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
  • ,
  • ,
tel.: +420 224 933 802
fax: +420 224 933 802
Textbooks for elementary and secondary schools, specialized publications for the general public.

Fotomida nakladatelství, Michal Tůma (L701, )

Dvořákova 58
382 82 Benešov nad Černou
Czech Republic
  • Dana Vitásková,
  • ,
tel.: +420 386 353 315, mob.: +420 607 811 162
fax: +420 386 353 315
The Fotomida house produces pictorial and photographic publications in the ‘Great Figures in Czech Photography’ series.  It publishes art postcards of the work of Czech photographers in the ‘Joy of Seeing’ series and postcard views of Český Krumlov, České Budějovice and other important places in the South Bohemia region. Fotomida’s most extensive publication is Michal Tůma Photography, a digest of that photographer’s work that appeared in late 2014. 

Fox Chapel Publishing (S110, )

  • Jane Patukas, International Rights Manager
  • ,
Fox Chapel Publishing publishes books, magazines, patterns, and videos for do-it-yourself enthusiasts. We inspire and inform readers who enjoy a variety of crafts and hobbies, including woodworking, jewelry making, scrapbooking, sewing, boating, back-yard farming, wine & beer-making, and much more.

Nakladatelství Fragment - Albatros Media a.s. (P208, )

Pujmanové 1221/4
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
  • Karolina Myšková, šéfredaktorka
  • ,
tel.: +420 261 397 499, mob: +420 702 188 085
fax: +420 234 633 262
Fragment publishes fiction and popular-science literature for children and adults, textbooks, folding books and children´s magazines.

Francouzský institut v Praze (S105, )

Štěpánská 35, P.O.Box 850
111 21 Praha 1
Czech Republic
  • Yohann Le Tallec, ředitel Mediatéky
  • Katarína Horňáčková, projektová manažerka
tel.: +420 221 401 032
Promotes French culture abroad and offers courses in French.

FREYTAG-BERNDT, spol. s r. o. (L601, )

Sodomkova 1558/12
102 00 Praha 10
Czech Republic
  • Ladislav Cirhan, jednatel
  • Ing. Lenka Cirhanová, obchodní ředitelka
tel.: +420 226 200 358
fax: +420 226 200 359
Publisher and distributor of road atlases, road maps, city maps, hiking and cycling maps, and tourist guides.