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12 - 15 May

Book World Prague 2016
22nd international book fair and literary festival

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B4U Publishing - Albatros Media a.s. (P208, )

Purkyňova 2396/108
612 00 Brno
Czech Republic
  • Oldřich Růžička, šéfredaktor
  • ,
B4U Publishing is focusing on the creating original books for children accenting the innovative form, graphic design, new topics and interactivity. It’s books were published in 28 countries of the world.

BAMBOOK - Nakladatelský dům GRADA (L203, )

U Průhonu 22
170 00 Praha 7
Czech Republic
  • Mgr. Ludmila Unčovská, šéfredaktorka literatury pro děti a dospělé
  • Mgr. Zuzana Lebdušková, PR a propagace
tel.: +420 234 264 426, mob.: +420 737 263 431
fax: +420 234 264 400
BAMBOOK has books to suit all inquisitive boys and girls.

Baobab & GplusG, s.r.o. (L112, )

Plavecká 14
128 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
  • ,
  • ,
tel.: +420 222 588 001, mob.: +420 737 774 538
fax: +420 222 587 825
Baobab – picture books for children; GplusG – nonfiction, fiction.

BB/art (P004, )

Bořivojova 75
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
  • Jiří Buchal, ředitel
  • Karolina Špičková, šéfredaktor
tel.: +420 222 721 194, 222 721 538
fax: +420 222 720 525
Publisher of translated literature of all genres and calendars.

Pavel Dobrovský – BETA s.r.o. (L401, )

Květnového vítězství 332
149 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
  • Pavel Dobrovský, majitel
  • ,
tel.: +420 272 910 733
fax: +420 272 913 830
Publishing house of Czech and foreign-language picture publications, popular-science books, non-fiction, fiction and hobby literature. Book wholesale and delivery service.

BIBIANA, Medzinárodný dom umenia pre deti (S116, )

Panská 41
815 39 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
  • Eva Cíferská, vedoucí oddělení knižní kultury a sekretariát SkIBBY
  • ,
tel.: +421 2 5443 4986
fax: +421 2 5443 4986
Cultural institute that is active internationally. Formed in 1987 as a partner of the Bratislava Biennale of Illustration, an event with a long tradition and international renown.

BizBooks - Albatros Media a.s. (P208, )

IBC, Příkop 4
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
  • Hana Hozová, šéfredaktorka
  • ,
Modern publisher whose books address up-to-date topics and new trends concerning personal and career growth, finance and success in business.

Bjartur (S201, )

Bræðraborgarstíg 9
101 Reykjavík
  • ,
  • ,


Pražská 1279/18
102 00 Praha 10 - Hostivař
Czech Republic
  • Drahomír Rybníček, majitel
  • ,
Publishes books by Czech authors in different genres.

Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. (S102, P002, )

50 Bedford Square
WC1B 3DP London
United Kingdom
  • ,
  • ,
tel.: +44 (0)20 7631 5600
fax: +44 (0)20 7631 5800

BN International, s.r.o. (L602, )

Křenkova 283
552 03 Česká Skalice
Czech Republic
  • Jan Kohlert, Sales and Supply Chain Manager
  • Lenka Kollárová, Customer Service
tel.: +420 491 401 580
fax: +420 491 452 005
Traditional Czech manufacturer of bookbinding cloths.

BOBO BLOK spol. s r. o. (P501, )

Voračice 4
257 53 Vojkov
Czech Republic
  • Václav Kabát, ředitel
  • ,
tel.: +420 602 218 649
Production and sale of paper goods.

Nakladatelství Bondy s.r.o. (L819, )

Argentinská 38
170 00 Praha 7
Czech Republic
  • Luboš Y. Koláček, šéfredaktor
  • Dušan Spáčil, provozní ředitel, Dana Kavalecová, asistentka
tel.: +420 777 630 318, 720 442 361, mob.: 775 095 503
Bondy. Publisher Bondy. Zealous agent of the unexpected in book investigation and provider of stories replete with poetry and thrilling prose.

Bonnier Carlsen (S201, )

Sveavägen 56, P. O. Box 3159
103 63 Stockholm
  • ,
  • ,

Albert Bonniers Förlag AB (S201, )

P. O. Box 3159
103 63 Stockholm
  • ,
  • ,

Nakladatelství Brána, a.s. (L002, )

Jankovcova 18/938
170 37 Praha 7
Czech Republic
  • Hedvika Mojžíšová, obchodní ředitelka
  • Dana Bryndová, šéfredaktorka
tel.: +420 220 191 313, mob.: +420 774 408 664
Publishes books on various topics.

Brill (P002, )

Plantijnstraat 2
2321 JC Leiden
The Netherlands
  • ,
  • ,
tel.: +31 71 535 3500
fax: +31 71 531 7532

Brombergs Bokförlag (S201, )

Hantverkargatan 26
112 21 Stockholm
  • ,
  • ,
tel.: +46 8 5626 2080, +46 8 657 1990


Malé náměstí 11
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
  • Martin Brož, vydavatel
  • Marie Brožová, autor
tel./mob.: +420 776 365 715
Publisher of art by the coloured pencil artist, gallery in the centre of Prague.

BRUMAR Publishing House (S107, )

Str. Aurel Popovici No. 6
300050 Timișoara
  • Gabriel Timoceanu, General Director
  • ,
tel.: +40 256 203 934, +40 256 293 441, +40 744 557 727

Nakladatelství BUDEČ (L515, )

Mlýnská 190
277 16 Všetaty
Czech Republic
  • Evžen Vítkovský,
  • ,
tel.: +420 604 422 381
Intelligent humour, thinking methodology and scenarios for the future.

Bulharská kulturně osvětová organizace Sv. Cyrila a Metoděje v Praze o.s. (P404, )

Vocelova 602/3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
  • MgA. Sylvia Georgieva, Ph.D.,
  • ,
tel.: +420 221 419 837