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12 - 15 May

Book World Prague 2016
22nd international book fair and literary festival

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Daghda Vision Publications (S110, )

  • Cheryl Hall, Director
  • ,
Daghda Vision is a company dedicated to global cultural exchange, art, film and publishing.

DAJAMA - Krásy Slovenska, s.r.o. (P102, S116, )

Ľubľanská 2
831 02 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
  • RNDr. Daniel Kollár, ředitel
  • ,
tel.: +421 2 5465 2055, mob.: +421 918 320 115
DAJAMA publishers – geographical and travel literature on Slovakia.

Danish Arts Foundation (S201, S110, )

H. C. Andersens Boulevard 2
1553 Copenhagen V
  • ,
  • ,
tel.: +45 33 733 373
The Danish Arts Foundation promotes artistic development in Denmark and Danish art abroad. The Foundation’s two principal tasks are to provide support for artistic endeavours within the fields of literature, performing arts, visual arts and music and to advise public authorities regarding matters within the Foundation’s sphere of activity. The Foundation has committees within each of the four branches of the arts. The Danish Arts Foundation’s Committee for Literature works to promote familiarity with Danish literature at home and abroad and helps facilitate literary exchange projects between Denmark and other countries.

Dánské velvyslanectví (S201, )

Maltézské nám. 5
118 00 Praha 1 - Malá Strana
Czech Republic
  • Petra Kouřimská, Public Diplomacy Officer
  • ,
The Danish Embassy promotes Danish culture in the Czech Republic.

Nakladatelství Dar Ibn Rushd, s.r.o. (L309, )

Komenského nám. 949
250 01 Brandýs nad Labem
Czech Republic
  • Dr. Charif Bahbouh, Ph.D., ředitel
  • Jaroslava Bičovská, jednatelka
mob.: +420 728 469 177
Focuses primarily on the Orient. Literature in translation, fiction, dictionaries, coursebooks for Oriental languages, encyclopaedias of the Orient world.


Corso della Vittoria 91
28100 Novara
  • Maria Luisa Borsarelli, Foreign Rights & Sales Manager
  • ,
De Agostini Libri coordinates and manages the publishing activities on the Italian market and on the international markets, focusing on the production and sales of rights and coedition of illustrated books and gift books, children books, coloring books and scholarly edition (UTET). Whitestar , one of the most important Italian publishing houses in the sector of illustrated books, is part of the De Agostini Group and its titles are promoted and sold by De Agostini Libri.


Doudova 23
147 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
  • Luis Ochoa Torcal, General Manager
  • Petra Konvičková, Course Manager
tel.: +420 252 545 950, mob.: +420 723 955 545
Bookshop with books in Spanish, textbooks and courses of Spanish.

Divadelný ústav (S116, )

Jakubovo nám. 12
813 57 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
  • Tatiana Danišová,
  • ,
tel.: +421 2 2048 7400
fax: +421 2 5293 1571
Theatre science, theatre history, world drama, Slovak drama, almanacs, catalogues.

Divadlo pod Palmovkou (L117, )

Zenklova 34
180 36 Praha 8
Czech Republic
  • Tereza Hořínková, mob.: +420 733 766 234, PR
  • Eliška Nováková, mob.: +420 739 777 895, vedoucí marketingu a produkce
This theatre has a classical repertoire of world drama of various genres, the main features of which are a great story, the ability to express emotions and thoughts with clarity, and laughter – attributes that bring audiences back to the theatre. The newly established Palm Off studio presents works by contemporary authors for mainly younger audiences.

Divadlo v Dlouhé (L508, )

Dlouhá 39
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
  • ,
  • ,
tel.: +420 224 826 801
fax: +420 224 826 801
The V Dlouhé Theatre gives performances for adults, children, young people and entire families.

Divine Arts (S110, )

  • Travis Masch, Director of Marketing and Publicity, Foreign Rights Manager
  • ,
Divine Arts has been founded to share some of the new and ancient knowledge that is rapidly emerging from the scientific, indigenous, and wisdom cultures of the world, and to present new voices that express eternal truths in innovative, accessible ways.

Dokořán s.r.o. (L110, )

Holečkova 9/100
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
  • PhDr. Marek Pečenka, majitel
  • Magdalena Rudolová, tajemnice
tel.: +420 257 320 803, mob.: +420 603 432 056
fax: +420 257 320 805
Publisher of educational literature which takes excursions into journalism, fiction and poetry.

Domowina-Verlag GmbH (L803, )

Tuchmacherstr. 27
D-02625 Bautzen
  • Maria Matschie, ředitelka
  • Janka Pötschke de Lévano, vedoucí redaktorka
Lusatian-Serb publishing house.

Dům národnostních menšin o.p.s. (P404, )

Vocelova 3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
  • Mgr. Jakub Štědroň,
  • ,
mob.: +420 725 479 709, 777 905 223
The House of National Minorities provides support to organisations representing minority interests that produce periodical and non-periodical publications in the languages of national minorities.