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12 - 15 May

Book World Prague 2016
22nd international book fair and literary festival

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LEDA spol. s r. o. (P401, )

Voznice 64
263 01 Dobříš
Czech Republic
  • Daniel Červenka, podpora prodeje
  • ,
tel.: +420 222 747 222
LEDA Publishers produces dictionaries and coursebooks for a total of 28 languages. In 2007 it extended its activities to include fiction and educational literature.

LEUCHTTURM1917/Leuchtturm Albenverlag GmbH & Co. KG (L509, )

Am Spakenberg 45
21405 Geesthacht
  • ,
  • ,
tel.: +49 4152 801-0
fax: +49 4152 801 222
In a world which we call the digital age,in which we are all linked together,we sometimes experience a desire to write a thought down,to hold something in our hands.

Jacek Lewinson Publishers´ Representative Central/Eastern Europe (P002, )

Nowogrodzka 18/20
00 511 Warszawa
  • Jacek Lewinson, Owner
  • ,
tel.: +48 502 603 290
Representation of the following publishing houses: Bloomsbury Academic, Palgrave Higher Education, Wolters Kluver Health (former Lippincott Williams and Wilkins), Brill, De Gruyter, Wiley, Thieme Verlag, CABI Publishing and Duke University Press, University of British Columbia Press, Fordham University Press, University of Illinois Press, Indiana University Press, McGill-Queen's University Press, University of Nebraska Press, New York University Press, Ohio University Press, Stanford University Press, Temple University Press, University of Texas Press, University of Washington Press.

Marek Lewinson (P002, )

Bohaterowicza 3/45
03 982 Warszawa
  • ,
  • ,
tel.: +48 22 671 4819, mob: +48 602 707 037
fax: +48 22 671 4819
Representation of the following publishing houses: Artech House, Boyder & Brewer, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge University Press (Academic only), Edinburgh University Press, Emerald, Europa Law Publishing, Facet Publishing, Institution of Engineering and Technology IET, IOS Press, JP Medical, Paths International, Pharmaceutical Press, Royal Society of Chemistry, Sage Publications, Taylor & Francis (all imprints books only), Thomas Telford/Institution of Civil Engineers, World Scientific Publishing.

LINGEA (P304, )

Vackova 9
612 00 Brno
Czech Republic
  • RNDr. Michaela Ševečková, jednatel
  • ,
tel.: +420 541 233 160
fax: +420 541 527 025
LINGEA – dictionaries in book and electronic form, language technology.

Lion Hudson plc (S110, )

Wilkinson House, Jordan Hill Road
OX2 8DR Oxford
United Kingdom
  • Bettina Heynes, International Sales Manager
  • ,

LITERA INTERNATIONAL Publishing House Ltd. (S107, )

Calea Floreasca No. 60, Et. 5
014462 Bucharest
  • Marin Vidrașcu, Executive Director
  • ,
tel.: +40 21 319 6393
fax: +40 31 425 1620

Literárne informačné centrum, organizátor slovenského národního stánku (S116, )

Nám. SNP 12
812 24 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
  • Miroslava Vallová,
  • ,
tel.: +421 2 2047 3505
fax: +421 2 5296 4563
An introduction to Slovak literature abroad, the holding of a collective exhibition of Slovak publishers, support for translations of works by Slovak authors; publishes works of literary theory, criticism and history, monographs.

Litmedia a.s. - Literární noviny (L506, )

Korunní 104/810
101 00 Praha 10
Czech Republic
  • Michal Pavel, generální ředitel
  • PhDr. Petr Bílek, šéfredaktor
tel.: +420 272 107 121, mob.: +420 737 274 647
Publisher of Literární noviny, a monthly for critical thinking.

Livia Stoia Literary Agency (S110, )

58 Garlei Str.
013724 Bucharest, Sector 1
  • Livia Stoia, Managing Director
  • ,
tel.: +40 21 232 9909
fax: +40 21 232 9909
Our Agency represents publishers and literary agencies from all over the world, for both fiction and non-fiction, in Eastern European countries. More information on our website: www.liviastoiaagency.ro.

Løvens Forlag (S201, )

Borggade 14
8000 Århus C
  • ,
  • ,
tel.: +45 30 547 220

LÚČ, vydavateľské družstvo Bratislava (S116, )

Kozičova 2
841 10 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
  • Anna Kolková,
  • ,
tel.: +421 2 6573 0331
fax: +421 2 6573 0331
Fiction, history, education, religious literature, children‘s books.