P.R.A. Publishing (S110, )
- Lucinda Clark, Publisher
- ,
We are independent press based in Georgia. We specialize in the work of authors from diverse backgrounds. We have published children's, young adult fiction and poetry. We have a number of new projects in foreign fiction in our pipeline.
SOCIETATEA PAIDEIA Publishing House (S107, )
Piața Unirii No. 1
Bucharest, Sector 3
tel.: +40 31 425 3442
fax: +40 21 316 8221
Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. (P002, )
RG21 6XS Basingstoke, Hampshire
United Kingdom
tel.: +44 1256 329 242
fax: +44 1256 330 688
Palmknihy s.r.o. (P606, )
Malá Štupartská 634/7
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Adam Blecha, tel.: +420 602 212 662, ředitel
- Lucie Vávrová, tel.: +420 774 739 286, obchodní ředitelka
Distribution and transfer of electronic books. Vast range of titles.
Klub deskových her Paluba (P612, )
Lidická 40
150 00 Praha 5 - Smíchov
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 222 725 822 (222-PALUBA)
Board games club, open to wide public, in which you can play over 700 various board games. We also offer clubs specialized for particular games - bridge, mahjong, Scrabble or war games.
PANT (S101, )
Nábřežní 1272/2a
725 25 Polanka nad Odrou
Czech Republic
Modern History series.
Nakladatelství Panteon s.r.o. (L107, )
Národní 21
110 01 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Roman Schmidt, Ph. D., ředitel
- ,
Publisher of successful fiction from abroad.
PAPERY.CZ (L812, )
Markupova 2594/11
193 00 Praha 9
Czech Republic
Range of accessories for bookshops and stationers’.
PARALELA 45 Publishing House (S107, )
Str. Frații Golești, No. 130
110174 Pitești
tel.: +40 721 247 918, +40 248 214 533
fax: +40 248 631 439
Nakladatelství PASEKA s.r.o. (L412, )
Chopinova 4
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
- Ing. Anna Rezková Horáčková, majitelka nakladatelství
- Filip Mikeš, vedoucí obchodního oddělení
tel.: +420 222 710 751, mob.: +420 734 603 236
Traditional Czech publishing house. Literature in Czech original and translation, nonfiction, children’s literature and other genres.
Paulínky s.r.o. (L514, )
Petrská 9
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Andrea Hýblová, manažerka
- Mgr. Isidora Pérez, ředitelka, Mgr. Judith Hidalgo, Rights Manager
tel.: +420 222 311 206, mob.: +420 734 692 864
fax: +420 222 311 206
Publisher of Christian literature and films whose contents overlap with other areas of the humanities. Own e-shop at www.paulinky.cz.
Pavel Mervart (L503, )
Lhota 330, P.O.Box 5
549 41 Červený Kostelec
Czech Republic
Philosophy, history, Christianity, anthropology, biology, poetry.
PBtisk a.s. (L605, )
Dělostřelecká 344
261 01 Příbram I
Czech Republic
- Jaroslav Škudrna, Manager obchodu
- ,
tel.: +420 318 493 711
fax: +420 318 493 720
B+W and colour printing and binding under one roof. Advanced technologies for offset and digital printing. Production of books, brochures and promotional materials in single and multiple copies. Printing on Heidelberg and OCÉ presses. All types of binding on Kolbus, Horizon, Aster lines (paperback, hardcover, saddle stiched). Delivery to all european countries.
People's Press (S201, )
Vester Farimagsgade 41
1606 Copenhagen V
PERFEKT, a.s. (S116, )
Karpatská 7
811 01 Bratislava 1
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 5249 9783-5
fax: +421 2 5249 9788
Non-fiction, popular-science literature, books for children, reference books.
Časopis PEVNOST (P613, )
Černokostelecká 20
100 00 Praha 10
Czech Republic
- Ing. Kristina Nowakowska, vydavatel
- Josef Horký, šéfredaktor
Monthly for fantasy, sci-fi, horror in film, literature, games and history.
Phoenix Books Ltd. (S102, )
Ty Derlwyn, Pandy
NP7 8DR Aberganvenny
United Kingdom
tel.: +44 1873 890 972
fax: +44 1873 890 972
Supplier of books in English to academic libraries and institutions.
Pistorius & Olšanská (L108, )
Pražská 128
261 01 Příbram
Czech Republic
- RNDr. Vladimír Pistorius, jednatel
- ,
Publishes original Czech and translated fiction and non-fiction.
PLAV - měsíčník pro světovou literaturu (L118, )
U Studánky 5
170 00 Praha 7
Czech Republic
- Alexej Sevruk, šéfredaktor
- Jan Smolka, tajemník
tel.: +420 608 703 689, mob.: +420 606 646 692
Plav monthly is a literary magazine that focuses on fiction in original translation, supplemented with theoretical articles, translation criticism and reviews.
Nakladatelství Plus - Albatros Media a.s. (P208, )
Na Pankráci 30/1618
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
- Martina Mašínová, šéfredaktorka
- ,
tel.: +420 261 397 281
fax: +420 234 633 262
Plus Publishers focuses on high-quality modern fiction for adults.
Pohledy.cz (L614, )
V Oblouku 114
251 01 Čestlice
Czech Republic
Online and wholesale distribution of postcards.
POLIROM Publishing House (S107, )
Bd. Copou No. 4
700506 Iași
- Silviu Lupescu, Director
- ,
tel.: +40 232 217 440, +40 232 218 363
fax: +40 232 217 440, +40 232 218 363
Polský institut v Praze (S101, )
Malé náměstí 1
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Maciej Ruczaj, vedoucí programového oddělení
- Beata Mocová, programový expert
tel.: +420 224 229 875, mob.: +420 732 614 350
fax: +420 224 223 010
Polish Institute Prague promotes the literature and culture of Poland in the Czech Republic.
Polygraf Print (S116, )
Čapajevova 44
080 01 Prešov
Slovak Republic
- Mgr. Miroslava Magdošková,
- ,
tel.: +421 51 746 0142, mob.: +421 903 704 158
fax: +421 51 771 3271
Printing house.
Portál, s.r.o. (L603, )
Klapkova 2
182 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic
- Ing. Jaroslav Kuchař, jednatel
- Mgr. Milan Miškařík, vedoucí obchodního oddělení
Portál publishes books and magazines on education and upbringing, psychology, sociology, politology and social work, and collections of games and ideas for the development of creativity.
Poutník - Klub Julese Vernea (P615, )
Matěchova 14
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
Prague’s Jules Verne Club is among the oldest sci-fi clubs in the former Czechoslovakia. Formed in 1969, it officially ceased to exist in 1970. Every year the club holds the Best Fantasy competition, whose winner receives the title Knight of the Order of Fantasy and a functional sword. Competition results are announced every year at the Parcon Fantasy Show. In 1990 we began to publish books, at first alone, later in cooperation with United Fans a.s., in the Poutník [Pilgrim] Book Series under the joint imprint Poutník. In 1999 the Jules Verne Club again began to publish books independently, in the Poutník Small Book Series under the imprint Poutník. The Club publishes sci-fi in translation and in the original Czech. Our house has published books by Jaroslav Mostecký, Vladimír Šlechta, Leonard Medek, Ivana Kuglerová, Vlado Říša, Richard Šusta, Jiří Kulhánek and Miroslav Žamboch.
powerprint s.r.o. (P408, )
Brandejsovo nám. 1219/1
165 00 Praha 6 - Suchdol
Czech Republic
- Ing. Zdeněk Janovec, ředitel, Rights Manager
- Ing. Lenka Siedeková, Manager
Czech market leader in short-run (digital) book printing, BookOnDemand printing and PrintOnDemand publications.
Prager Zeitung (Prago-Media spol. s r.o.) (L212, )
Jeseniova 51
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
- Hana Gaitzschová, prokuristka
- ,
tel.: +420 222 210 959, mob.: +420 606 613 212
fax: +420 226 216 798
Publisher of the German-language weekly Prager Zeitung.
Prague Cuisine (L211, )
Kubelíkova 1224/42
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
- Iva Jůzlová, produkční
- Karolina Víšková, event kordinátor
tel.: +420 734 326 775, mob.: +420 731 368 676
The Prague Cuisine company is a publisher, applications operator and holder of unique events for lovers of good food and true gourmets.
Praha město literatury (S109, )
Bělohorská 56/1666
169 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic
Coordinates Prague’s membership of the UNESCO Creative Cities of Literature Network.
PRESCO GROUP, a.s. (P303, )
Máchova 21
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
- JUDr. Petr Skokan, Partner
- Ing. Vít Pastorek, Sales Director
tel.: +420 222 922 040
fax: +420 222 922 058
Publisher and distributor of calendars, diaries, notebooks, school supplies and books. Active on the Czech market since 1995.
Mgr. Lenka Procházková, výtvarnice (L615, )
Resslova 844/34
400 01 Ústí nad Labem
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Lenka Procházková,
- ,
Original pictures, postcards, greetings cards, posters, colouring sheets and cutouts.