Ing. Dagmar Al-Salmanová – SABRA (P002, )
U Svépomoci 887/8
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
- Ing. Dagmar Al-Salmanová, majitelka firmy
- ,
mob.: +420 602 339 909
fax: +420 251 565 549
Import of specialized foreign literature with special focus on encyclopaedias.
Sage Publications (S102, P002, )
1 Oliver´s Yard, 55 City Road
EC1Y 1SP London
United Kingdom
tel.: +44 207 324 8500
fax: +44 207 324 8600
Det Norske Samlaget (S201, )
Jens Bjelkes gate 12
0506 Oslo
Sartika Mira (S110, )
Gedung Gajah Unit AE, Jalan Sahardjo No. 111
12860 Jakarta
There is no existing map of civilization one can use as a reference to the pattern of human history. Though repeated, the rise and fall of civilizations are of the same culture but in different nuance. Yet, each civilization has its owned characteristics. For this reason, mapping of civilizations is indeed elementary that people might have overlooked it." instead of
Scriptorium, spolek pro nekomerční vydávání odborné literatury (P504, )
Nad Pazdernou 397
252 41 Dolní Břežany
Czech Republic
- Marek Lašťovka, předseda
- ,
Non-commercial publisher of academic history publications in short print runs.
Sdružení Ukrajinců a příznivců Ukrajiny o.s. (P404, )
Vocelova 602/3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
SEQOY (L403, )
K Žižkovu 9
190 00 Praha 9
Czech Republic
- Jiří Pavlovský, majitel
- Michal Juránek, ředitel
tel.: +420 603 837 842
fax: +420 271 741 509
Distribution and publishing of sci-fi, horror, fantasy and comic books.
SHOCart s.r.o. (L601, )
Zádveřice 48
763 12 Vizovice
Czech Republic
Publisher of cartography.
Shromáždění Němců v Čechách na Moravě a ve Slezsku, o.s. (P404, )
Vocelova 602/3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
Nakladatelství Schola ludus – Pragensia (L311, )
Buzulucká 6
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic
- PhDr. Kateřina Bečková, majitelka
- ,
Pragensia, books, postcards.
Schweizer International s.r.o. (L801, )
Puškinovo náměstí 493/5
160 00 Praha 6 - Bubeneč
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 518 342 580
fax: +420 518 342 581
The LEU Brain Stimulator. Pedagogical aid that develops creativity and logical thinking.
- Harry Dillon, Publisher
- ,
Sight See Books is a Chicago-based publishing company specializing in photo game books with a twist of trivia.
Skandinávský dům, z.s. (S201, )
Dejvická 3
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic
- Michal Švec, předseda
- Jitka Jindřišková,
Presents the culture of the Nordic countries in the Czech Republic and operates a Scandinavian library.
Nakladatelství SLOVART, s.r.o. (L003, )
Oderská 333/5
196 00 Praha 9 – Čakovice
Czech Republic
- Juraj Heger, jednatel, Ondřej Materna, obchodní a marketinkový ředitel
- Zdeněk Holuša, distribuce,
tel.: +420 266 177 141
fax: +420 266 177 147
Publishes mostly illustrated popularscience books for children and adults, books of art education, picture books and encyclopaedias. Delivery and export of books (monographs, architecture, design, photography).
Slovenská národná galéria (S116, )
Riečna 1
815 31 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 5922 6133
fax: +421 2 5443 3971
Exhibition catalogues, monographs, professional art history literature.
Slovenská národná knižnica (S117, )
Nám. J. C. Hronského 1
036 01 Martin
Slovak Republic
- Ing. Katarína Krištofová, PhD., generální ředitelka
- Mgr. Slávka Gulánová, MBA, ředitelka kanceláře generální ředitelky SNK
tel.: +421 43 2451 131, mob.: +421 905 541 562
The Slovak National Library acquires, professionally processes, stores, protects and provides access to documents of Slovakiana from home and abroad. It coordinates developments in the national library system. In 2015 SNL completed the large-scale, nationwide digitalization of written cultural heritage, thanks to which it has established a top-class facility for the restoration, conservation and digitalization of documents.
Slovenské pedagogické nakladateľstvo – Mladé letá (S116, )
Sasinkova 5
815 19 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 5556 4293, 5022 7312
fax: +421 2 5542 5758
Educational literature, textbooks, dictionaries, light literature, historical literature, fiction, literature for children, encyclopaedias.
Slovenský inštitút v Prahe (S116, )
Jilská 450/16
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Ladislav Snopko, ředitel
- ,
tel.: +420 224 948 135-7
fax: +420 224 949 042
Slovenský spisovateľ, a.s. (S116, )
Vajnorská 128
832 92 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 4445 3020
fax: +421 2 4444 1239
Fiction, poetry.
Solution Tree Press (S110, )
Solution Tree is a leading provider of educational resources and services that improve staff and student performance. For more than 20 years, Solution Tree resources, professional development, and events have helped K–12 teachers and administrators create schools where all children succeed.
SPN – pedagogické nakladatelství, a.s. (P101, )
Ostrovní 30
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 224 931 447
fax: +420 224 931 447
Textbooks and educational publications for primary and secondary schools and the general public.
Společnost přátel podkarpatské Rusi o.s. (P404, )
Vocelova 602/3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
Spolok sv. Vojtecha – VOJTECH, spol. s r. o. (S116, )
Radlinského 5
917 01 Trnava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 33 590 7727
fax: +421 33 590 7760
Christian literature.
Střední škola knižní kultury, o.p.s. (P405, )
Perunova 6
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
- PhDr. Alice Krýžová, Ph.D., ředitelka
- Martina Kulhánková, zástupkyně ředitelky
Courses for the preparation of specialists in all areas of book culture and business.
Studio Ypsilon (L213, )
Spálená 16
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Aneta Filipová, tisková mluvčí
- ,
Leading Czech theatre that produces publications on its own activities and theatre in general.
SUPRAPHON a.s. (L807, )
Palackého 740/1
112 99 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Building on its own best traditions, Supraphon is a key publisher on the domestic market. Alongside popular and classical music, spoken-word recordings are now an important part of its programme.
Svaz českých knihkupců a nakladatelů, z.s. (S108, )
Drtinova 557/10
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
- Marcela Turečková, výkonná tajemnice
- ,
tel.: +420 227 018 335, mob.: +420 604 200 597
Organization for professionals in bookselling and publishing. Its aims are to protect the common interests of publishers, book distributors and booksellers, to contribute to the development of Czech book culture in the Czech Republic, and – in cooperation with other parties – to promote Czech literature. Its core membership includes leading Czech booksellers, publishers, book distributors and some libraries. SČKN: - comments on forthcoming legislation with a potential impact on the book industry - gives legal advice to its members - provides a professional information service for its members and the public (at - maintains a bibliographical database (at - produces and confers the Jiří Orten Prize for young authors - has created The Book: a Lifelong Addiction, a non-commercial campaign for the promotion of reading - organizer of ‘VAT-free Books: Books Get the Green Light’, a nationwide campaign in support of the book - regularly publishes rankings of bestselling books - organizes seminars and lectures for/by professionals - is a member of the international organizations FEP (for publishers) - founded Svět knihy s.r.o. [Book World Ltd.] in 1997 - - publishes the fortnightly Knižní novinky [New Books] and bibliographical supplement - Knižní novinky [Book News] - Milan Šilhan, Editor in Chief, mob.: +420 728 900 832, Martina Hostomská, Advertising Agency - mob.: +420 776 705 930, knizni.novinky(et),
Svojtka & Co., s.r.o. (L204, )
Soběslavská 40
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 271 736 610
fax: +420 272 731 413
Illustrated books, encyclopedias, books and folding books for children, Lonely Planet guides in Czech, art books, music, direct sales, co-editions.
Sztuka Rodzinna Narcyz Kamiński (L704, )
Dąbrowa 15/30
85-147 Bydgoszcz
- Narcyz Kamiński, Founder
- ,
tel./mob.: +48 504 230 217
fax: +48 222 428 411
Sztuka Rodzinna – fine journal producer, looking for distribution in Czech Republic.