A2 o.p.s. (L702, )
Krokova 13
128 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
- Karel Kouba, šéfredaktor
- Lukáš Rychetský, zástupce šéfredaktora
A2 is an independent fortnightly review with an interest in culture.
AB ART Press (S116, )
Lichardova 51
976 13 Slovenská Ľupča
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 48 418 7181
fax: +421 48 418 7181
Illustrated publications, tourist guides, maps, atlases.
Nakladatelství Academia, Středisko společných činností AV ČR, v. v. i. (L413, )
Vodičkova 40
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Gjurišičová Viktorie, manažerka velkoobchodu
- ,
tel.: +420 221 403 823, mob.: +420 774 135 605
Academia publishes original academic works and popular science literature.
ROMANIAN ACADEMY Publishing House (S107, )
Calea 13 Septembrie No. 13
050711 Bucharest, Sector 5
- Radu Popescu, General Director
- ,
tel.: +40 21 314 6339
fax: +40 21 314 6339
Agentura Dobrý den, s.r.o. (P612, )
Nábřeží rekordů a kuriozit 811
393 01 Pelhřimov
Czech Republic
- Josef Vaněk, jednatel
- Miroslav Marek, jednatel
tel.: +420 565 323 163
fax: +420 565 323 163
The Dobrý den agency runs the Records and Curios Museum in Pelhřimov. The agency’s major event is the international „Pelhřimov – The City of Records“ festival (this year held on 10–11 June).The most interesting achievements are entered in the Czech Book of Records. For more information see www.dobryden.cz
Agregaduría de Educación (S106, )
Badeniho 4
170 00 Praha 7
Czech Republic
Promotion of Spanish in the education system of the Czech Republic.
Akademie múzických umění v Praze, Nakladatelství AMU (P202, )
Malostranské nám. 12
118 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Ondřej Krása, ředitel nakladatelství
- ,
AMU Press – the Publishing House of Academy of Performing Arts is one of the leading Czech publishers in the areas of film, TV, photography, theatre, music and dance.
Aksjomat s.r.o. (L612, )
Švabinského 1700/4
702 00 Ostrava
Czech Republic
- Karel Macura, obchodní zástupce
- Witold Grabowski, jednatel společnosti
Children’s publisher. Sticker and colouring books, books for the very young.
ALADIN Agency (L517, )
Baranova 31
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
- Ing. Petr Trněný, majitel společnosti
- Marta Macháčková, manažer projektu "mluvíme česky"
tel.: +420 222 723 389, mob.: +420 724 044 848
fax: +420 222 734 977
Czech as a Foreign Language coursebooks. Print publications and more.
Albatros - Albatros Media a.s. (P208, )
Na Pankráci 30/1618
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
- Petr Eliáš, šéfredaktor
- ,
tel.: +420 261 397 299
fax: +420 234 633 262
The oldest Czech publishing books for children and youth, which is the guarantor of quality of children's reading and education.
Albatros Media a.s. (P208, )
Na Pankráci 30/1618
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
- Veronika Sonnková, PR manažerka
- ,
tel.: +420 261 397 273
fax: +420 234 633 262
The Albatros Media company consists of twelve separate brands: Albatros, BizBooks, CooBoo, CPress, Computer Press, Management Press, Edika, Motto, Plus, XYZ, Fragment and B4U Publishing. With Czech Television’s ČT Edice it is co-publisher of a wide range of media products – books, e-books and audio books.
ALBI Česká republika a.s. (L411, )
Thámova 13
186 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic
- Pavlína Ditrichová, projektový manažer
- Radomír Švec, výkonný ředitel
tel.: +420 222 541 381
fax: +420 222 541 380
Producer and distributor of games and personalized gifts.
Alfedus, spol. s r. o. (P615, )
Hradešínská 36
101 00 Praha 10 - Vinohrady
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 272 735 963
fax: +420 272 735 963
Company with a focus on music and film founded in 1998 by Richard Harušťák and Marek Dobeš. We filmed a video clip to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the rock band Olympic, wrote the screenplay of the thriller Kajínek and have produced comedies including Choking Hazard and I Was a Teenage Intellectual. We have also published the books Jiří Rogl: Photos from the Rock Underworld and A Christmas Tale. The novel Monoculus – which is about Jan Žižka – is in preparation.
ALFERIA - Nakladatelský dům GRADA (L203, )
U Průhonu 22
170 00 Praha 7
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Markéta Šlaufová, šéfredaktorka
- Mgr. Jakub Černohorský, PR a propagace
tel.: +420 234 264 510, mob.: +420 737 263 435
fax: +420 234 264 400
ALFERIA publishes books on health, harmony of body and soul, and personal development.
ALL Publishing House (S107, )
Bd. Constructorilor No. 20A
260512 Bucharest, Sector 6
- Mihai Penescu, Director
- ,
tel.: +40 21 402 2600
fax: +40 21 402 2610
Nakladatelství Alpress, spol. s r. o. (P001, )
Na Příkopě 3243, P.O.Box 120
738 01 Frýdek-Místek
Czech Republic
- Antonín Ludvík, jednatel společnosti
- ,
tel.: +420 558 445 000
fax: +420 558 445 006
The main focus of the publishing house is on literature in translation, for the most part fiction. Its catalogue also shows the strong presence of non-fiction, popular education, esoterics, health, self-education, hobbies and pictorial publications. It also publishes the best-known classics of World literature, original work in Czech and books for children and young people.
American Embassy - U.S. Commercial Service (S110, )
Tržiště 15
118 01 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Zdeněk Svoboda, Commercial Specialist
- ,
tel.: +420 257 022 323, mob.: +420 602 425 323
The United States Commercial Service at the U.S. Embassy in Prague is an international unit of the United States Department of Commerce. Its major role is to help establish commercial relations between U.S. and Czech companies.
ANAG, spol. s r. o. (P402, )
Sídlo: Kollárovo nám. 698/7
779 00 Olomouc
Czech Republic
- Dr. Eva Motáňová Vítková, jednatelka
- Kamil Polák, obchodní ředitel
tel.: +420 585 757 411
fax: +420 585 418 867
Branch Office: Mozarteum, Jungmannova 30, 110 00 Praha 1, tel.: +420 222 515 741, fax: +420 222 519 611, praha(et)anag.cz. The ANAG publishing and education company has been active on the Czech market since 1990; hence it has one of the longest histories of firms which arrange professional seminars and produce publications and magazines for professionals. The company is active throughout the Czech Republic. Its activities focus on three main areas: the production of literature on economics and law and publications on health and leisure, the publishing of magazines for professionals, and the organizing of professional seminars. Its high-quality team of readers and authors is composed of recognized experts. ANAG publications are distributed to booksellers throughout the Czech Republic by trained agents. ANAG operates two stores with professional literature in Prague and Olomouc as well as a super-fast internet bookstore for professional literature at www.anag.cz (choice of several thousand titles, ongoing addition of new titles, orders dispatched by return).
Andrew Nurnberg Associates Prague, s.r.o. (S110, )
Jugoslávských partyzánů 17
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic
Mediation of copyright for Czech and Slovak publishers.
Angličtina-hry (L809, )
Krajní 1819
250 88 Čelákovice
Czech Republic
- Jitka Netušilová, majitelka
- ,
tel./mob.: +420 776 589 922
We offer non-traditional teaching aids that make learning English easier.
Antikvariát a knihkupectví Fryč (L609, )
Pražská 14
460 01 Liberec
Czech Republic
Tens of thousands of Czech and foreign-language books, maps, postcards, etc. We purchase from anywhere in the Czech Republic.
Bd. Metalurgiei No. 46 - 56
75579 Bucharest, Sector 4
- Corneliu Rociu, Sales Director
- Ana Munteanu, Editor in Chief
tel.: +40 21 461 0808-10
fax: +40 21 461 0809
Hainburger Strasse 34A
A-1030 Wien
- Ing. Miroslav Opekar, zastoupení v ČR
- Karel Krejčí, zastoupení v ČR
tel.: +420 387 713 236, mob.: +420 724 272 466
fax: +420 387 713 228
Graphic and book paper producer.
Arenagruppen (S201, )
Sveavägen 61
113 59 Stockholm
Argo, spol. s r. o. (L408, )
Milíčova 13
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
- Zdena Křikavová, PR a propagace
- ,
tel.: +420 222 781 601, mob.: +420 733 650 762
Argo publishing house specialises in fine Czech and translated fiction, social science titles (history, social and cultural anthropology, etc.), and specialised encyclopaedic publications.
Archiv hlavního města Prahy (P504, )
Archivní 6
149 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
- Barbora Henslová, distribuce publikací
- ,
Publisher of specialist periodicals and monographs on Prague-related themes .
ARKUS (S116, )
L. Svobodu 1359/10
905 01 Senica
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 34 657 4868
fax: +421 34 657 4868
Fiction, non-fiction, children’s books.
ART Publishing House (S107, )
C.P. 22, O.P. 84
062650 Bucharest, Sector 6
- Dan Iacob, General Director
- ,
tel.: +40 21 369 3199
fax: +40 21 369 3199
Kozia 20
811 03 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 5441 6231
fax: +421 2 5441 4009
General fiction, poetry, non-fiction, children´s books.
Kysucká cesta 9
010 01 Žilina
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 41 500 2035
fax: +421 41 500 2035
H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard) AS (S201, )
Sehesteds gate 3
0164 Oslo
The Aschehoug publishing house includes the Forlaget Oktober (www.oktober.no) imprint, which specializes in fiction.
Záujmové združenie žien ASPEKT (S116, )
Mýtna 38
811 07 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 5262 4621-3
fax: +421 2 5262 4621
Feminist literature.
ATLANTIS, spol. s r. o. (L407, )
Česká 15, P.O.Box 374
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Jitka Uhdeová, ředitelka
- ,
tel.: +420 542 213 221
fax: +420 542 213 221
Atlantis publishes original Czech works and translations of works by authors of world renown.
Audiolibrix, s.r.o. (L511, )
Makovského 1334/26
163 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic
- Petra Schultze, Content Specialist
- Ivan Sabo, ředitel, Rights Manager
tel.: +420 222 365 085, mob.: +420 774 425 920
Audiobooks in MP3 format, available for immediate download.
AudioStory s.r.o. (L810, )
Českomalínská 27
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic
- PhDr. Jindřiška Nováková, jednatelka
- ,
Publishing house specialising in the production of audiobooks.
B4U Publishing - Albatros Media a.s. (P208, )
Purkyňova 2396/108
612 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Oldřich Růžička, šéfredaktor
- ,
tel.: +420 511 112 199
fax: +420 537 036 844
B4U Publishing is focusing on the creating original books for children accenting the innovative form, graphic design, new topics and interactivity. It’s books were published in 28 countries of the world.
BAMBOOK - Nakladatelský dům GRADA (L203, )
U Průhonu 22
170 00 Praha 7
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Ludmila Unčovská, šéfredaktorka literatury pro děti a dospělé
- Mgr. Zuzana Lebdušková, PR a propagace
tel.: +420 234 264 426, mob.: +420 737 263 431
fax: +420 234 264 400
BAMBOOK has books to suit all inquisitive boys and girls.
Baobab & GplusG, s.r.o. (L112, )
Plavecká 14
128 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 222 588 001, mob.: +420 737 774 538
fax: +420 222 587 825
Baobab – picture books for children; GplusG – nonfiction, fiction.
BB/art (P004, )
Bořivojova 75
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
- Jiří Buchal, ředitel
- Karolina Špičková, šéfredaktor
tel.: +420 222 721 194, 222 721 538
fax: +420 222 720 525
Publisher of translated literature of all genres and calendars.
Pavel Dobrovský – BETA s.r.o. (L401, )
Květnového vítězství 332
149 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
- Pavel Dobrovský, majitel
- ,
tel.: +420 272 910 733
fax: +420 272 913 830
Publishing house of Czech and foreign-language picture publications, popular-science books, non-fiction, fiction and hobby literature. Book wholesale and delivery service.
BIBIANA, Medzinárodný dom umenia pre deti (S116, )
Panská 41
815 39 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
- Eva Cíferská, vedoucí oddělení knižní kultury a sekretariát SkIBBY
- ,
tel.: +421 2 5443 4986
fax: +421 2 5443 4986
Cultural institute that is active internationally. Formed in 1987 as a partner of the Bratislava Biennale of Illustration, an event with a long tradition and international renown.
BizBooks - Albatros Media a.s. (P208, )
IBC, Příkop 4
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Hana Hozová, šéfredaktorka
- ,
Modern publisher whose books address up-to-date topics and new trends concerning personal and career growth, finance and success in business.
Bjartur (S201, )
Bræðraborgarstíg 9
101 Reykjavík
Pražská 1279/18
102 00 Praha 10 - Hostivař
Czech Republic
- Drahomír Rybníček, majitel
- ,
Publishes books by Czech authors in different genres.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. (S102, P002, )
50 Bedford Square
WC1B 3DP London
United Kingdom
tel.: +44 (0)20 7631 5600
fax: +44 (0)20 7631 5800
BN International, s.r.o. (L602, )
Křenkova 283
552 03 Česká Skalice
Czech Republic
- Jan Kohlert, Sales and Supply Chain Manager
- Lenka Kollárová, Customer Service
tel.: +420 491 401 580
fax: +420 491 452 005
Traditional Czech manufacturer of bookbinding cloths.
BOBO BLOK spol. s r. o. (P501, )
Voračice 4
257 53 Vojkov
Czech Republic
Production and sale of paper goods.
Nakladatelství Bondy s.r.o. (L819, )
Argentinská 38
170 00 Praha 7
Czech Republic
- Luboš Y. Koláček, šéfredaktor
- Dušan Spáčil, provozní ředitel, Dana Kavalecová, asistentka
tel.: +420 777 630 318, 720 442 361, mob.: 775 095 503
Bondy. Publisher Bondy. Zealous agent of the unexpected in book investigation and provider of stories replete with poetry and thrilling prose.
Bonnier Carlsen (S201, )
Sveavägen 56, P. O. Box 3159
103 63 Stockholm
Albert Bonniers Förlag AB (S201, )
P. O. Box 3159
103 63 Stockholm
Nakladatelství Brána, a.s. (L002, )
Jankovcova 18/938
170 37 Praha 7
Czech Republic
- Hedvika Mojžíšová, obchodní ředitelka
- Dana Bryndová, šéfredaktorka
tel.: +420 220 191 313, mob.: +420 774 408 664
Publishes books on various topics.
Brill (P002, )
Plantijnstraat 2
2321 JC Leiden
The Netherlands
tel.: +31 71 535 3500
fax: +31 71 531 7532
Brombergs Bokförlag (S201, )
Hantverkargatan 26
112 21 Stockholm
tel.: +46 8 5626 2080, +46 8 657 1990
Malé náměstí 11
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Martin Brož, vydavatel
- Marie Brožová, autor
tel./mob.: +420 776 365 715
Publisher of art by the coloured pencil artist, gallery in the centre of Prague.
BRUMAR Publishing House (S107, )
Str. Aurel Popovici No. 6
300050 Timișoara
- Gabriel Timoceanu, General Director
- ,
tel.: +40 256 203 934, +40 256 293 441, +40 744 557 727
Nakladatelství BUDEČ (L515, )
Mlýnská 190
277 16 Všetaty
Czech Republic
Intelligent humour, thinking methodology and scenarios for the future.
Bulharská kulturně osvětová organizace Sv. Cyrila a Metoděje v Praze o.s. (P404, )
Vocelova 602/3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
- MgA. Sylvia Georgieva, Ph.D.,
- ,
Cambridge University Press (S102, P002, )
The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road
CB2 2RU Cambridge
United Kingdom
tel.: +44 1223 312 393
fax: +44 1223 315 052
Camões, I.P. - Portugal (S118, )
Josefská 6
180 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic
- Joaquim Ramos, Director
- ,
Camões, I.P. is the national institute for culture and language.
Cappelen Damm AS (S201, )
Akersgata 47/49
0180 Oslo
CARTEA COPIILOR Publishing House (S107, )
O.P. 48, C.P.
024350 Bucharest
tel: +40 721 149 670, +40 749 114 721
fax: +40 31 816 8058
CARTEA ROMÂNEASCĂ Publishing House (S107, )
Calea Victoriei No. 115
Bucharest, Sector 1
- Silviu Lupescu, President
- ,
tel.: +40 21 319 5699
fax: +40 21 319 6599
CASA CĂRŢII DE ŞTIINŢĂ Publishing House (S107, )
Bd. Eroilor No. 6-8
3400 Cluj
tel.: +40 264 431 920, +40 744 771 157
fax: +40 264 431 920
CASA DE PARIURI LITERARE Publishing House (S107, )
Bd. Uverturii No. 57–69, Bl. 10, Sc. 2, Et. 6, Ap. 67
06093 Bucharest, Sector 6
tel.: +40 21 260 7596, +40 726 407 349, +40 741 587 259
CASA RADIO Publishing House (S107, )
Str. General Berthelot No. 60-64
010165 Bucharest
- Ovidiu Miculescu, General Director
- ,
tel.: +40 21 303 1753
fax: +40 21 303 1884
CBT China Book Trading GmbH (S104, )
Max-Planck-Str. 6a
63322 Rödermark
- Mr. Genrui Zhang, Director
- ,
tel.: +49 6074 95564
fax: +49 6074 95271
CBT is a branch of the China International Publishing Group in Germany. It is Europe´s largest chinese publications issuing agency.
Cedar Fort, Inc. (S110, )
- Katreina Eden, Executive Vice President
- ,
Cedar Fort began in 1986 and today publishes over 160 new titles a year covering a broad variety of genres including self-help, inspirational, NDE, gardening, cookbooks, relationship/parenting, memoirs, adult and YA fiction and nonfiction, and religious books.
Celé Česko čte dětem, o.p.s. (P506, )
Janáčkova 10/1426
702 00 Ostrava
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Eva Katrušáková, ředitelka
- Monika Škanderová, koordinátorka projektu
Every Czech Reads to Kids is a nationwide awareness campaign whose mission is to strengthen family bonds by reading aloud to children.
Centrum české historie, o.p.s. (L209, )
Banskobystrická 2080
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic
- Zuzana Kuchejdová, Office Manager
- ,
Publishing and exhibition activities, production of public events.
Cesta domů - nakladatelství (L711, )
U Smaltovny 1157/6
170 00 Praha 7
Czech Republic
- Vojtěch Kozlík, ředitel
- Lucie Bezděková, Manager obchodu
tel./mob.: +420 731 270 268
We help increase levels of knowledge about dying and care for the dying.
Cesty k sobě - internetová televize (L815, )
Internet television – a space for a wide range of topics.
CETATEA DE SCAUN Publishing House (S107, )
Str. Ion Ciorănescu, Bl. 1A, Sc. A, Ap. 1
- Dan Iulian Mărgărit, Director
- ,
tel.: +40 245 218 318, +40 721 209 519
fax: +40 245 218 318, +40 721 209 519
Bohunická 52
619 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Radek Vaníček, majitel
- ,
tel.: +420 547 232 504, mob.: +420 608 878 681
Sale of packaging machines for books, plus packing materials.
COMPANIA Publishing House (S107, )
Str. Tuberozelor No. 9
011411 Bucharest, Sector 1
- Adina Kenereș, Director
- ,
tel.: +40 21 223 2328
fax: +40 21 223 2325
Computer Press - Albatros Media a.s. (P208, )
IBC, Příkop 4
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Libor Pácl, vedoucí non-fiction nakladatelství
- ,
Renowned publishing house that is the market leader in the fields of computer literature and digital photography.
CooBoo – Albatros Media a.s. (P208, )
Na Pankráci 30/1618
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
- Tereza Pecková, šéfredaktorka
- ,
tel.: +420 261 397 299
fax: +420 234 633 262
Modern young publishing house, mainly for teenagers.
Copenhagen Literary Agency (S201, )
Frederiksholms Kanal 2-3
1220 Copenhagen
National Company of Printers CORESI (S107, )
Piata Presei Libere, No. 1
013701 Bucharest, Sector 1
- Bogdan Ilie, General Director
- ,
tel.: +40 21 319 3303-4
fax: +40 21 319 3305
CORINT Group Publishing (S107, )
Str. Mihai Eminescu No. 54A
010517 Bucharest, Sector 1
- Costel Postolache, General Director
- ,
tel.: +40 21 319 4797, +40 21 319 4820
fax: +40 21 319 4820
CORINT JUNIOR Publishing House (S107, )
Str. Mihai Eminescu No. 54A
010517 Bucharest, Sector 1
- Costel Postolache, General Director
- ,
tel.: +40 21 319 4797, +40 21 319 4820
fax: +40 21 319 4820
COSMOPOLIS - Nakladatelský dům GRADA (L203, )
U Průhonu 22
170 00 Praha 7
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Markéta Šlaufová, šéfredaktorka
- Mgr. Jakub Černohorský, PR a propagace
tel.: +420 234 264 510, mob.: +420 737 263 435
fax: +420 234 264 400
COSMOPOLIS publishes fiction filled with passion, suspense and amusement by leading Czech and world authors.
CPress - Albatros Media a.s. (P208, )
IBC, Příkop 4
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Libor Pácl, vedoucí non-fiction nakladatelství
- ,
Publisher that produces popular educational literature in the following fields: travel, history and military, hobbies, automobiles, health and lifestyle, nature and garden, art and culture, technology and science, children’s books, cookbooks.
Creative Projects International LTD (S110, )
- Michael S Baumohl, Vice President
- ,
Company is a "boutique" publisher of unique non-fiction concentrating on books that have strong, interesting promotional values in their subject or author.
CURTEA VECHE Publishing House (S107, )
Str. Aurel Vlaicu No. 35
020091 Bucharest, Sector 2
- Grigore Arsene, Director
- ,
tel.: +40 21 260 2287, +40 21 222 5726, +40 21 222 4765, +40 756 091 262, +40 751 253 084
fax: +40 21 223 1688
CYKLOKNIHY s.r.o. (P105, )
Pod Vinicemi 2
301 00 Plzeň
Czech Republic
tel./mob.: +420 603 233 665
Books and calendars about cycling, bicycle touring and travel.
Pavla Čechová (L116, )
K Čimperku 1841
666 01 Tišnov
Czech Republic
Original, handmade book-covers and bookmarks.
Česká biblická společnost (L811, )
Náhorní 1816/12
182 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Pavel Novák, ředitel společnosti
- Mgr. Marta Pumrová, obchodní oddělení
tel.: +420 284 693 925
fax: +420 284 693 912
Bibles and biblical literature. Translations, publishing, sales, export, import of Bibles.
Česká televize - Edice ČT (P409, )
Kavčí hory
140 70 Praha 4
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Jitka Saturková, hlavní redaktorka
- ,
tel.: +420 261 137 457
fax: +420 261 211 354
Publisher of books, CDs and DVDs inspired by the programmes of Czech Television.
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT (P203, )
Thákurova 1
160 41 Praha 6
Czech Republic
- PaedDr. Ivana Smolíková, ředitelka nakladatelství
- ,
tel.: +420 224 358 400
fax: +420 233 051 142
Publisher and distributor of specialist literature – graphics, university textbooks, monographs, anthologies, specialist and current affairs magazines, etc.
Český rozhlas (L824, )
Vinohradská 12
120 99 Praha 2
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Jaroslav Studený, oddělení komunikace
- Ing. Jakub Hritz, oddělení komunikace
tel.: +420 221 551 322, mob.: +420 733 143 251
Public service radio.
Daghda Vision Publications (S110, )
Daghda Vision is a company dedicated to global cultural exchange, art, film and publishing.
DAJAMA - Krásy Slovenska, s.r.o. (P102, S116, )
Ľubľanská 2
831 02 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
- RNDr. Daniel Kollár, ředitel
- ,
tel.: +421 2 5465 2055, mob.: +421 918 320 115
DAJAMA publishers – geographical and travel literature on Slovakia.
Danish Arts Foundation (S201, S110, )
H. C. Andersens Boulevard 2
1553 Copenhagen V
The Danish Arts Foundation promotes artistic development in Denmark and Danish art abroad. The Foundation’s two principal tasks are to provide support for artistic endeavours within the fields of literature, performing arts, visual arts and music and to advise public authorities regarding matters within the Foundation’s sphere of activity. The Foundation has committees within each of the four branches of the arts. The Danish Arts Foundation’s Committee for Literature works to promote familiarity with Danish literature at home and abroad and helps facilitate literary exchange projects between Denmark and other countries.
Dánské velvyslanectví (S201, )
Maltézské nám. 5
118 00 Praha 1 - Malá Strana
Czech Republic
- Petra Kouřimská, Public Diplomacy Officer
- ,
The Danish Embassy promotes Danish culture in the Czech Republic.
Nakladatelství Dar Ibn Rushd, s.r.o. (L309, )
Komenského nám. 949
250 01 Brandýs nad Labem
Czech Republic
- Dr. Charif Bahbouh, Ph.D., ředitel
- Jaroslava Bičovská, jednatelka
Focuses primarily on the Orient. Literature in translation, fiction, dictionaries, coursebooks for Oriental languages, encyclopaedias of the Orient world.
Corso della Vittoria 91
28100 Novara
- Maria Luisa Borsarelli, Foreign Rights & Sales Manager
- ,
De Agostini Libri coordinates and manages the publishing activities on the Italian market and on the international markets, focusing on the production and sales of rights and coedition of illustrated books and gift books, children books, coloring books and scholarly edition (UTET). Whitestar , one of the most important Italian publishing houses in the sector of illustrated books, is part of the De Agostini Group and its titles are promoted and sold by De Agostini Libri.
Doudova 23
147 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
- Luis Ochoa Torcal, General Manager
- Petra Konvičková, Course Manager
tel.: +420 252 545 950, mob.: +420 723 955 545
Bookshop with books in Spanish, textbooks and courses of Spanish.
Divadelný ústav (S116, )
Jakubovo nám. 12
813 57 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 2048 7400
fax: +421 2 5293 1571
Theatre science, theatre history, world drama, Slovak drama, almanacs, catalogues.
Divadlo pod Palmovkou (L117, )
Zenklova 34
180 36 Praha 8
Czech Republic
- Tereza Hořínková, mob.: +420 733 766 234, PR
- Eliška Nováková, mob.: +420 739 777 895, vedoucí marketingu a produkce
This theatre has a classical repertoire of world drama of various genres, the main features of which are a great story, the ability to express emotions and thoughts with clarity, and laughter – attributes that bring audiences back to the theatre. The newly established Palm Off studio presents works by contemporary authors for mainly younger audiences.
Divadlo v Dlouhé (L508, )
Dlouhá 39
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 224 826 801
fax: +420 224 826 801
The V Dlouhé Theatre gives performances for adults, children, young people and entire families.
Divine Arts (S110, )
- Travis Masch, Director of Marketing and Publicity, Foreign Rights Manager
- ,
Divine Arts has been founded to share some of the new and ancient knowledge that is rapidly emerging from the scientific, indigenous, and wisdom cultures of the world, and to present new voices that express eternal truths in innovative, accessible ways.
Dokořán s.r.o. (L110, )
Holečkova 9/100
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
- PhDr. Marek Pečenka, majitel
- Magdalena Rudolová, tajemnice
tel.: +420 257 320 803, mob.: +420 603 432 056
fax: +420 257 320 805
Publisher of educational literature which takes excursions into journalism, fiction and poetry.
Domowina-Verlag GmbH (L803, )
Tuchmacherstr. 27
D-02625 Bautzen
- Maria Matschie, ředitelka
- Janka Pötschke de Lévano, vedoucí redaktorka
Lusatian-Serb publishing house.
Dům národnostních menšin o.p.s. (P404, )
Vocelova 3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
mob.: +420 725 479 709, 777 905 223
The House of National Minorities provides support to organisations representing minority interests that produce periodical and non-periodical publications in the languages of national minorities.
Edika - Albatros Media a.s. (P208, )
IBC, Příkop 4
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Ondřej Jirásek, šéfredaktor
- ,
EDIKA produces publications and multimedia for education, with a special emphasis on languages, children’s textbooks and psychology.
Calea Mosilor No. 158, et. 4
020883 Bucharest, Sector 2
- Irina Iordache, President
- ,
tel.: +40 21 311 4066
fax: +40 21 311 4039
EIKON Publishing House (S107, )
Str. Mecanicilor No. 48
400210 Cluj
tel.: +40 364 117 252, +40 728 084 801-2
fax: +40 364 117 246
Elina Ahlback Literary Agency (S201, )
Unioninkatu 20–22
00130 Helsinki
Elsevier (P002, )
Linacre House
OX2 8DP Jordan Hill
United Kingdom
tel.: +44 1865 474 110
fax: +44 1865 474 111
Embassy of Spain in Prague (S106, )
Badeniho 401/4
170 00 Praha 7
Czech Republic
- Pablo Rupérez Pascualena, Counselor
- Věra Jilemnická, Cultural Section
tel.: +420 233 097 211
fax: +420 233 341 770
Collective exhibition of new Spanish books on diverse subjects.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited (S102, )
Howard House, Wagon Lane
DB16 1WA Bingley
United Kingdom
tel.: +44 1274 777 700
fax: +44 1274 785 201
Empresa Media, a.s. (L102, )
Mikuleckého 1309/4
147 00 Praha 4 - Braník
Czech Republic
- Jan Kulich, vedoucí marketingu
- ,
tel./mob.: +420 777 592 502
Nakladatelství Epocha s. r. o. (L402, P615, )
Kaprova 12
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 224 810 352, mob.: +420 603 523 232
History, non-fiction, militaria, fiction, sci-fi and fantasy.
ERC PRESS Ltd. (S107, )
Bd. Iuliu Maniu, No. 7, Corp I, Et. 1
Bucharest, Sector 6
tel.: +40 21 569 9011
fax: +40 21 569 9012
eReading.cz - Albatros Media a.s. (P208, )
Na Pankráci 30/1618
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
The task of the eReading project is to provide Czech readers with legal, easy-to-use, inexpensive e-books.
Euromedia Group k.s. (S202, )
Nádražní 896/30
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
- Zuzana Turňová, PR Manager
- ,
tel.: +420 296 536 111
fax: +420 296 536 935
Publisher of books under the Knižní klub, Ikar, Odeon, Universum and Yoli imprints.
Fakulta humanitních studií Univerzity Karlovy v Praze (P202, )
U Kříže 8
158 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
- PhDr. Marie Kratochvílová, Ph.D.,
- ,
Publications on the humanities, the magazines Urban People and History - Theory - Criticism.
FANTOM Print – Libor Marchlík (P613, )
Hollarova 6
702 00 Ostrava
Czech Republic
- Libor Marchlík, majitel
- Tomáš Němec, marketing a PR
Largest Czech publishing house focused on fantasy, sci-fi and horror.
Filmový ústav (S116, )
Grösslingová 32
811 09 Bratislava 1
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 5710 1501
fax: +421 2 5296 3461
Art publications and catalogues, calendars, multimedia.
Filosofia, nakladatelství Filosofického ústavu AV ČR, v. v. i. (P403A, )
Jilská 1
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 221 183 356, 221 183 333, mob.: +420 724 663 801
We publish books on philosophy and studies in related disciplines.
FINIDR, s.r.o. (P206, )
Lípová 1965, P.O.Box 135
737 01 Český Těšín
Czech Republic
- Eva Pavlincová, Obchodní Manager
- Monika Ocieczková, Marketing Manager
tel.: +420 558 772 279, mob.: +420 777 488 706
fax: +420 558 772 221
Largest book producer in the Czech Republic; specialists since 1994 – HIGH-QUALITY WORK, TIMELY DELIVERY.
Finské velvyslanectví (S201, )
Hellichova 1
118 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Ari Tasanen, ministerský rada
- ,
tel.: +420 251 177 251
fax: +420 251 177 241
The Embassy of Finland promotes Finnish-Czech cultural cooperation.
Flexibooks - Fraus Media, s.r.o. (P201, )
Edvarda Beneše 72
301 00 Plzeň
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Eva Králová, ředitelka
- Ing. Pavel Bláha, vedoucí marketingu a obchodu
Flexibooks carry over 5000 professional and educational literature titles in e-book form.
Forlagið (S201, )
Bræðraborgarstíg 7
101 Reykjavík
Fortuna – nakladatelství učebnic (P101, )
Ostrovní 30
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 224 933 802
fax: +420 224 933 802
Textbooks for elementary and secondary schools, specialized publications for the general public.
Fotomida nakladatelství, Michal Tůma (L701, )
Dvořákova 58
382 82 Benešov nad Černou
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 386 353 315, mob.: +420 607 811 162
fax: +420 386 353 315
The Fotomida house produces pictorial and photographic publications in the ‘Great Figures in Czech Photography’ series. It publishes art postcards of the work of Czech photographers in the ‘Joy of Seeing’ series and postcard views of Český Krumlov, České Budějovice and other important places in the South Bohemia region. Fotomida’s most extensive publication is Michal Tůma Photography, a digest of that photographer’s work that appeared in late 2014.
Fox Chapel Publishing (S110, )
- Jane Patukas, International Rights Manager
- ,
Fox Chapel Publishing publishes books, magazines, patterns, and videos for do-it-yourself enthusiasts. We inspire and inform readers who enjoy a variety of crafts and hobbies, including woodworking, jewelry making, scrapbooking, sewing, boating, back-yard farming, wine & beer-making, and much more.
Nakladatelství Fragment - Albatros Media a.s. (P208, )
Pujmanové 1221/4
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
- Karolina Myšková, šéfredaktorka
- ,
tel.: +420 261 397 499, mob: +420 702 188 085
fax: +420 234 633 262
Fragment publishes fiction and popular-science literature for children and adults, textbooks, folding books and children´s magazines.
Francouzský institut v Praze (S105, )
Štěpánská 35, P.O.Box 850
111 21 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Yohann Le Tallec, ředitel Mediatéky
- Katarína Horňáčková, projektová manažerka
Promotes French culture abroad and offers courses in French.
FREYTAG-BERNDT, spol. s r. o. (L601, )
Sodomkova 1558/12
102 00 Praha 10
Czech Republic
- Ladislav Cirhan, jednatel
- Ing. Lenka Cirhanová, obchodní ředitelka
tel.: +420 226 200 358
fax: +420 226 200 359
Publisher and distributor of road atlases, road maps, city maps, hiking and cycling maps, and tourist guides.
Galén, spol. s r. o. (L502, )
Na Popelce 3144/10A
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
- Lubomír Houdek, prokura
- ,
tel.: +420 257 326 178, mob.: +420 602 139 914
Publishing house which produces monographs for professionals in medicine, textbooks, periodicals for professionals and conference proceedings as well as popular-educational literature, fiction and books on music.
GAMA Publishing House (S107, )
Șos. Păcurari, No. 93-95, Bl. 474, Tr. B, parter
700293 Iași
tel.: +40 232 230 212, tel.: +40 232 231 776
fax: +40 232 231 776
Garamond (L306, )
Pod Starou školou 384
164 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Petr Himmel, ředitel
- ,
tel.: +420 222 314 295
fax: +420 222 314 295
Publisher of french fiction and bilingual titles.
1193 Cornich El Nile – Boulac, P. O. Box 235 Ramses
11794 Cairo
- Dr. Haytman Alhaj Aly, Chairman
- ,
tel.: +20 2 2578 9316, mob.: +20 010 1119 7487
fax: +20 2 2578 9316
An autonomous corporation of Ministry of Culture for printing, publishing and distribution, organizer of Cairo Book Fair and International Children´s Book Fair.
Goethe-Institut (S119, )
Masarykovo nábřeží 32
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Dr. Berthold Franke, ředitel
- Eva Vondálová, vedoucí knihovny
tel.: +420 221 962 236
fax: +420 221 962 250
Cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany.
GRADA - Nakladatelský dům GRADA (L203, )
U Průhonu 22
170 00 Praha 7
Czech Republic
- Ing. Zdeněk Jaroš, vedoucí marketingového oddělení
- Mgr. Zuzana Lebdušková, PR a propagace
tel.: +420 234 264 426, mob.: +420 737 263 431
fax: +420 234 264 400
GRADA: a world of specialist literature from all areas of human activity.
GRAMAR Publishing House (S107, )
Str. Constantin Rădulescu Motru, No. 25
Bucharest, Sector 4
- Cristina Țuțunel, Director
- ,
Gyldendal (S201, )
Klareboderne 3
1001 København K
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS (S201, )
Sehesteds gate 4
0164 Oslo
The Gyldendal publishing house includes the Kolon forlag (www.kolonforlag.no) imprint, which specializes in fiction.
Harvard University Press (P002, )
Vernon House, 23 Sicilian Avenue
W1CA 2QS London
United Kingdom
tel.: +44 20 3463 2350
fax: +44 20 7831 9261
HASEFER Publishing House (S107, )
Str. Maria Rosetti No.17, Ap. 5-6
020481 Bucharest
- Alexandru Marinescu, President
- ,
tel.: +40 21 308 6208
fax: +40 21 308 6208
Nakladatelství Hejkal (L507, )
Dolní 153
580 01 Havlíčkův Brod
Czech Republic
- Martin Hejkal, ředitel
- Markéta Hejkalová, šéfredaktorka
tel.: +420 569 424 115, mob.: +420 777 616 158
Czech and Finnish fiction. Co-organizer of 26th Autumn Book Fair (14-15 October 2016 in Havlíčkův Brod). Applications to www.hejkal.cz
Helvetia Edições (L808, )
Avenue General Guisan, 52
1800 Vevey
- Jannini Rosa, Director
- Alexsandro Martins, Manager
Promotion of Portuguese and Francophone authors worldwide.
HERALD Publishing House (S107, )
Str. Ienachiță Văcărescu No. 18
040157 Bucharest, Sector 4
- Aurelian Scrima, Director
- ,
tel.: +40 21 319 4060-1, +40 771 664 320, +40 745 050 020
fax: +40 21 319 4059
HERG BENET Publishers (S107, )
Str. Dr. Burghelea No. 22
Bucharest, Sector 2
Historický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. (P603, )
Prosecká 76
190 00 Praha 9
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Ivana Pittnerová, vedoucí knihovny
- doc. PhDr. Martin Holý PhD., zástupce ředitelky ústavu a vedoucí nakladatelství
tel.: +420 286 882 121/linka 230
The research activities of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic address Czech history in a European context from the 10th to 20th centuries and on a case by case basis the histories of other states and regions.
Host – vydavatelství, s. r. o. (L210, )
Radlas 5
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Ing. Ivana Motrincová,
- Tomáš Reichel,
tel.: +420 545 212 747, +420 733 715 765
fax: +420 545 212 747
Publishes high-quality Czech prose and poetry, fiction in translation, crime fiction, thrillers, literature for childen and young people, literary theory and educational literature. Co-publisher of the HOST literary monthly.
HOUSE OF GUIDES Publishing Group (S107, )
Str. Presei Libere No. 1, Casa Presei, Corp C3, Etaj 3, Camera 15-17
Bucharest, Sector 1
- Mihaela Tatulici, General Director
- ,
tel.: +40 21 224 3183
fax: +40 21 224 3186
Forlaget Hovedland A/S (S201, )
Egholmvej 5A
8883 Gjern
HUMANITAS Publishing House Ltd. (S107, )
Piaţa Presei Libere No. 1
013701 Bucharest, Sector 1
tel.: +40 21 408 8350
fax: +40 21 408 8351
Hyperion s.r.o. (L606, )
Brandýská 33/1
181 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Kateřina Drdlová, jednatel
- Mgr. Rudolf Drdla, jednatel
tel.: +420 603 515 134, mob.: +420 736 607 273
MARIONETINO DE LUXE puppet theatre: large selection of stories, original design, great materials, scenarios, educational supplements.
China Universal Press & Publication Co., Ltd. (S111, )
100052 Beijing
- Li Jingjing, Manager
- Wang Jinyan,
tel.: +86 10 8313 6777, mob.: +86 13 810 680 206
fax: +86 10 6524 1615
China Universal Press & Publication Co., Ltd is responsible for organizing several Chinese publishing to participate in Book World Prague and serves as a bridge between China and foreign publishing companies.
Chvojkovo nakladatelství (L308, )
Hlivická 427
181 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic
Publisher of fiction, spiritual and esoteric literature.
I.B.Tauris - Philip Wilson Publishers (S102, P002, )
6 Salem Road
W2 4BU London
United Kingdom
tel: +44 20 7243 1225
fax: +44 20 7243 1226
Ikar (S202, )
Nádražní 896/30
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
- Zuzana Turňová, PR Manager
- ,
tel.: +420 296 536 111
fax: +420 296 536 935
IKAR, a.s. (S116, )
Kukuričná 13
831 03 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 4910 4311
fax: +421 2 4910 4350
Fiction, non-fiction, social science, cookbooks, literature for children, graphic publications.
Incheba a.s. (S116, )
Viedenská cesta 3-7
851 01 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
- Ing. Marek Mésároš, manažer veletrhu
- ,
tel.: +421 2 6727 2485, mob.: +421 911 100 720
fax: +421 2 6727 2201
Organizer of Slovakia’s largest book fair, BIBLIOTEKA.
Inka Ojainmaa – autorka – kniha Ve jménu pleti (L710, )
Pařížská 7
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Introducing the book In the Name of the Skin.
Aleea Alexandru No. 38
011824 Bucharest, Sector 1
- Mariana Avanu Marcu, Editor in Chief
- ,
tel.: +40 31 710 0618, +40 31 710 0621
fax: +40 31 710 0638
EUROPEAN INSTITUTE Publishing House (S107, )
Str. Grigore Ghica Vodă No. 13, Et. 9
700469 Iași
- Anca Untu-Dumitrescu, Director
- ,
tel.: +40 232 230 197
fax: +40 232 230 197
Instituto Cervantes de Praga (S106, )
Na Rybníčku 536/6
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
- Marcela Petrů, kulturní oddělení
- ,
tel.: +420 221 595 245, mob.: +420 773 604 221
Centre of Spanish culture in Prague and Carlos Fuentes Library.
Integrál Brno (L414, )
Nováčkova 26
614 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Václav Kazda, manažer
- Dagmar Podešvová, produkční časopisu
tel.: +420 545 213 964, mob.: +420 702 036 022
Production and distribution of books from the Grail Message Foundation, principally ‘In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message’ by Abd-ru-shin.
Velvyslanectví Státu Izrael (S115, )
Badeniho 2
170 06 Praha 7
Czech Republic
- Petra Mohylová, Head of New Media and Public Diplomacy
- ,
tel.: +420 233 097 515
fax: +420 233 097 519
General, business and consular information, cultural activities.
Janáčkova akademie múzických umění v Brně (P202, )
Novobranská 3
662 15 Brno
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Klára Hanáková, Ph.D., vedoucí Edičního střediska
- Václav Kovář, distribuce a prodej, sazba a tisk
tel.: +420 542 592 203, 542 592 206
Publishes works for study purposes and specialized works on the theory and history of music and theatre.
Jarmila Beranová - Pastelový svět (L310, )
Pujmanové 27/881
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
- Jarmila Beranová, spisovatelka, vydavatelka, malířka, terapeutka
- ,
tel.: +420 261 226 474, mob.: +420 606 118 857
Author, painter and publisher of books, postcards, memory card games and CDs on art therapy for children and adults; trainer and therapist.
Jiří Josek - Nakladatelství Romeo (L813, )
Pod Bání 21
180 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 283 840 193, mob.: +420 605 960 211
fax: +420 283 840 193
A bilingual edition of the works of Shakespeare, world and Czech fiction.
Nakladatelství JOTA, s.r.o. (L302, )
Škárova 16
612 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Božena Štofková, ředitelka Nakladatelství JOTA
- Renata Růžová, manažerka obchodu a marketingu
tel.: +420 539 086 580, mob.: +420 737 259 006
In the 25 years of its existence Jota has published over 1950 titles in the following series: Fiction, Popular Science, For Children and Young People, Non-fiction and Military, Travel, Bradt Travel Guides, Rough Guides.
JP/Politikens Forlagshus A/S (S201, )
Raadhuspladsen 37
1785 Copenhagen V
JTP – Jednota tlumočníků a překladatelů (Foyer, )
Senovážné náměstí 23
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Amalaine Diabová, předsedkyně JTP
- Petr Kautský, šéfredaktor ToP, (tlumočení-překlad)
tel.: +420 224 142 312, 420 224 142 517
The Union of Interpreters and Translators - professional organisation, brings out the specialist journal ToP (interpreting - translating).
Kagge Forlag AS (S201, )
Stortingsgaten 12
0161 Oslo
Karmelitánské nakladatelství s.r.o. (L804, )
Kostelní Vydří 58
380 01 Dačice
Czech Republic
- Ing. Anne-Marie Nedoma, prokurista, ředitelka
- ,
tel.: +420 220 181 367
fax: +420 220 181 350
The focal point of KNA’s catalogue is Christian and spiritual literature, although it often reaches into theology, philosophy, history, religious studies and psychology. KNA also operates its own bookshop chain and is involved in distribution.
Kartografie PRAHA, a.s. (P101, )
Ostrovní ul. 30
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 221 969 446
fax: +420 221 969 444
Traditional producer of atlases, lexicons, tourist maps, guides and town plans.
Klub Polski o.s. (P404, )
Vocelova 602/3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
Klub slovenské kultury, Dokumentační středisko slovenské menšiny v ČR (P404, )
Vocelova 602/3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
- PhDr. Helena Nosková, CSc.,
- ,
P&Q services s.r.o. - Kniha výhod (P301, )
Palackého 736/2
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- David Nábělek, jednatel
- ,
A useful little book filled with discount vouchers.
KNIHA ZLIN, Ing. Marek Turňa (L307, )
Na Drahách 369
760 01 Zlín
Czech Republic
- Ing. Marek Turňa, ředitel
- ,
tel.: +420 577 143 464, mob.: +420 603 437 023
The publishing house, KNIHA ZLIN, has existed since 2004 and nowadays it publishes about forty titles every year. Its editorial plan follows the actual trends on the literary scene, especially on the international one. KNIHA ZLIN publishes literary and up-market international and Czech fiction, non-fiction, art books and childern´s books.
Knihovna Václava Havla (L818, )
Ostrovní 13
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Pavel Hájek, Senior Manager
- Veronika Brázdilová, programová koordinátorka
The Václav Havel Library collects, studies, publishes, disseminates and defends the intellectual, literary and political legacy of Václav Havel. It also engages with personalities, events and phenomena associated with this legacy, striving to illuminate them and place them in a historical and present-day context.
Knižní klub (S202, )
Nádražní 896/30
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
- Zuzana Turňová, PR Manager
- ,
tel.: +420 296 536 111
fax: +420 296 536 935
Kristián Entertainment, s.r.o. (L101, )
Výstupní 6
101 00 Praha 10
Czech Republic
- Václav Tobořík, ředitel
- ,
tel./mob.: +420 602 347 180
Publisher of books and audiobooks.
Kulturní sdružení občanů německé národnosti v ČR o.s. (P404, )
Vocelova 602/3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
LEDA spol. s r. o. (P401, )
Voznice 64
263 01 Dobříš
Czech Republic
- Daniel Červenka, podpora prodeje
- ,
LEDA Publishers produces dictionaries and coursebooks for a total of 28 languages. In 2007 it extended its activities to include fiction and educational literature.
LEUCHTTURM1917/Leuchtturm Albenverlag GmbH & Co. KG (L509, )
Am Spakenberg 45
21405 Geesthacht
tel.: +49 4152 801-0
fax: +49 4152 801 222
In a world which we call the digital age,in which we are all linked together,we sometimes experience a desire to write a thought down,to hold something in our hands.
Jacek Lewinson Publishers´ Representative Central/Eastern Europe (P002, )
Nowogrodzka 18/20
00 511 Warszawa
Representation of the following publishing houses: Bloomsbury Academic, Palgrave Higher Education, Wolters Kluver Health (former Lippincott Williams and Wilkins), Brill, De Gruyter, Wiley, Thieme Verlag, CABI Publishing and Duke University Press, University of British Columbia Press, Fordham University Press, University of Illinois Press, Indiana University Press, McGill-Queen's University Press, University of Nebraska Press, New York University Press, Ohio University Press, Stanford University Press, Temple University Press, University of Texas Press, University of Washington Press.
Marek Lewinson (P002, )
Bohaterowicza 3/45
03 982 Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 671 4819, mob: +48 602 707 037
fax: +48 22 671 4819
Representation of the following publishing houses: Artech House, Boyder & Brewer, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge University Press (Academic only), Edinburgh University Press, Emerald, Europa Law Publishing, Facet Publishing, Institution of Engineering and Technology IET, IOS Press, JP Medical, Paths International, Pharmaceutical Press, Royal Society of Chemistry, Sage Publications, Taylor & Francis (all imprints books only), Thomas Telford/Institution of Civil Engineers, World Scientific Publishing.
LINGEA (P304, )
Vackova 9
612 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- RNDr. Michaela Ševečková, jednatel
- ,
tel.: +420 541 233 160
fax: +420 541 527 025
LINGEA – dictionaries in book and electronic form, language technology.
Lion Hudson plc (S110, )
Wilkinson House, Jordan Hill Road
OX2 8DR Oxford
United Kingdom
- Bettina Heynes, International Sales Manager
- ,
LITERA INTERNATIONAL Publishing House Ltd. (S107, )
Calea Floreasca No. 60, Et. 5
014462 Bucharest
- Marin Vidrașcu, Executive Director
- ,
tel.: +40 21 319 6393
fax: +40 31 425 1620
Literárne informačné centrum, organizátor slovenského národního stánku (S116, )
Nám. SNP 12
812 24 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 2047 3505
fax: +421 2 5296 4563
An introduction to Slovak literature abroad, the holding of a collective exhibition of Slovak publishers, support for translations of works by Slovak authors; publishes works of literary theory, criticism and history, monographs.
Litmedia a.s. - Literární noviny (L506, )
Korunní 104/810
101 00 Praha 10
Czech Republic
- Michal Pavel, generální ředitel
- PhDr. Petr Bílek, šéfredaktor
tel.: +420 272 107 121, mob.: +420 737 274 647
Publisher of Literární noviny, a monthly for critical thinking.
Livia Stoia Literary Agency (S110, )
58 Garlei Str.
013724 Bucharest, Sector 1
- Livia Stoia, Managing Director
- ,
tel.: +40 21 232 9909
fax: +40 21 232 9909
Our Agency represents publishers and literary agencies from all over the world, for both fiction and non-fiction, in Eastern European countries. More information on our website: www.liviastoiaagency.ro.
Løvens Forlag (S201, )
Borggade 14
8000 Århus C
LÚČ, vydavateľské družstvo Bratislava (S116, )
Kozičova 2
841 10 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 6573 0331
fax: +421 2 6573 0331
Fiction, history, education, religious literature, children‘s books.
Madal Bal a.s. (L312, )
Bartošova 40
760 01 Zlín
Czech Republic
- Abhejali Bernardová, vedoucí nakladatelství
- ,
tel.: +420 577 599 780, mob.: +420 605 231 433
fax: +420 577 599 799
We are dedicated to spiritual literature and music, especially the works of Sri Chinmoy.
Makovice (L611, )
Malešická 109
108 00 Praha 10
Czech Republic
- Kateřina Korbařová, redaktorka
- Běla Gelná, redaktorka
tel./mob.: +420 775 988 819
Magazine with a story on a particular topic for problem-solvers from 8 to 108.
…malé ilustrace (L105, )
Světická 8
100 00 Praha 10
Czech Republic
- Pavlína Zuzová, jednatel
- ,
A small Czech artistic printer and publisher of original work.
Nakladatelství Malvern (L115, )
Roháčova 1666/94
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
- Jakub Hlaváček, ředitel
- Lucie Sedláčková, Rights Manager
Western spiritualism, religious studies, Hermeticism, the works of Zdeněk Neubauer.
Mamma HELP, z.s. (L816, )
Koněvova 150
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
- Hana Jírovcová, koordinátorka MHC Praha
- Mgr. Jana Drexlerová, ředitelka
tel.: +420 272 731 000, mob.: +420 739 632 884
Non-profit organization for women with breast cancer. We have a free advice centre staffed by women who have been through the illness. We strive to help patients especially at the beginning of their treatment or as they resume a full life.
Management Press - Albatros Media a.s. (P208, )
Na Pankráci 30/1618
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
- Irena Ajjanová, šéfredaktorka
- ,
tel.: +420 261 397 246
fax: +420 234 633 262
Management Press publishes important monographs by Czech authors and world figures in management plus other specialist works, including textbooks.
Manchester UP (P002, )
Oxford Road
M13 9PL Manchester
United Kingdom
tel.: +44 161 275 2310
fax: +44 161 274 3346
mapcards.net, s.r.o. (L709, )
Vinohrady 29
639 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Otto Dušek, ředitel
- Klára Kuncová, obchodník
tel.: +420 543 213 800, mob.: +420 731 452 971
fax: +420 543 213 800
Mapcentrum s.r.o. / Jižní Čechy pohádkové (P108, )
nám. Přemysla Otakara II. 21
370 01 České Budějovice
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Marcel Goetz, jednatel
- ,
tel.: +420 386 352 589, mob.: +420 602 443 189
Publishing, distribution, souvenirs, mysterious maps and books.
Marco Polo, s.r.o. (P109, )
Šárecká 32
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic
- Kathrin Hruška, ředitelka společnosti
- Zdeněk Hypša, obchodní zástupce
Maps, atlases, guides, distribution and publishing, cartographic products.
Marenčin PT (S116, )
Jelenia 6
811 05 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Fiction, non-fiction.
Masarykova univerzita / Nakladatelství Munipress (P106, )
Rybkova 19
601 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- PhDr. Alena Mizerová, ředitelka
- Mgr. Martina Tlachová, marketing
tel.: +420 549 491 171, mob.: +420 725 870 899
Leading publisher of specialist and educational literature. Publishes over 450 books and magazines annually, in print and electronic form.
Masarykův ústav a Archiv AV ČR, v. v. i. (P604, )
Gabčíkova 2362/10
182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň
Czech Republic
- Ondřej Huleš, vedoucí vydavatelského a distribučního oddělení
- Pavla Dedeciusová, distributorka
tel.: +420 234 612 211, mob.: +420 602 213 891, 776 006 449
Works on Czech history, the history of academic institutions and codicology.
Vydavateľstvo Matys (S116, )
Starhradská 8
851 05 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 5564 2397
fax: +421 2 5541 0282
Children´s books, fiction, encyclopaedias.
Maurice Basset (S110, )
Maurice Bassett publishes 12 books a year and has a focus on personal development, business and personal finance titles. Forthcoming titles for spring 2016 include Let's Talk About Money: The Girlfriends' Guide to Protecting Her ASSets and The Prosperous Scratch DJ.
MAX BLECHER Publishing House (S107, )
Str. Mihai Eminescu, No. 3, Sc. A, et. III, Ap. 9
420076 Bistriţa
- Claudiu Komartin, Editor in Chief
- ,
Meander Publishing - Ing. Ivana Pecháčková (L106, )
Zubatého 1
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
- Ivana Pecháčková, ředitelka
- ,
Unmistakable art books for children, children’s books for adults and comics books for all; some just starting out, some legends like Vaclav Havel.
MEGABOOKS CZ, spol. s r. o. (S105, )
Třebohostická 2283/2
100 00 Praha 10 - Strašnice
Czech Republic
- Daniel Mikeš, obchodní oddělení
- ,
Import and distribution of foreign literature in many world languages.
Občanské sdružení Melius, z.s. (L814, )
Na Petřinách 310/82
162 00 Praha 6 - Veleslavín
Czech Republic
- Bc. Jiřina Bartošová, tajemnice redakční rady
- Ing. Oldřich Dvořák, předseda
Our aim is to guide the general public to a proper understanding of human nature.
Mendelova univerzita v Brně (P202, )
Zemědělská 1
613 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Ing. Věra Svobodová, vedoucí Ústavu vědecko-pedagogických informací a služeb
- Mgr. Milan Hošek, vedoucí Vydavatelství
Mendel University Press familiarizes the professional and lay public with the scientific and pedagogical potential of the university, makes available and promotes results of science and research by the publishing of periodicals and books on specialist themes, and supports the education process by the publishing and distribution of study materials. It contributes to the good name of the university at home and abroad.
METAFORA, s.r.o. (L104, )
U Krbu 1515/35
100 00 Praha 10
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 274 771 407
fax: +420 274 770 056
Publisher which produces mostly literature in translation in a variety of genres.
Mikula s.r.o. (S116, )
Belinského 18
851 01 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 6252 3471
fax: +421 2 6252 3472
Dictionaries, textbooks.
MILITARY Publishing House (S107, )
Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu No. 13,
061074 Bucharest, Sector 6
- Adrian Pandea, Director
- ,
tel.: +40 21 314 9161, tel.: +40 21 319 5888
fax: +40 21 314 9161
MINDOK s.r.o. (L505, )
Korunní 104
101 00 Praha 10
Czech Republic
- Monika Cihelková, obchodní manažer
- ,
tel.: +420 272 656 610, mob.: +420 737 279 589
fax: +420 272 656 610
Publisher of a modern board games for adults and children.
Mladá fronta, a.s. (L301, )
Mezi Vodami 1952/9
143 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
- Ing. Tomáš Černý, výkonný ředitel divize Knihy, tel.: +420 225 347 304 sekretariát, Mgr. Magdaléna Deiml, marketing, tel.: +420 225 347 302, deiml(et)mf.cz
- Bc. Lukáš Gilánik, obchod, tel.: +420 225 347 314, gilanik(et)mf.cz,
Mladá fronta is one of the biggest Czech publishing houses in the field of magazine, client and book titles publishing. The company entered the market in 1945, and focuses mainly on translated (foreign) fiction, works of popular science, non-fiction, poetry and books for children and young people. It also publishes travel series and historical novels or illustrated publications. The company publishes more than 200 new titles every year. Readers show a constant interest in titles written by our essential authors, such as Bohumil Hrabal and Arnošt Lustig. For more information go to: www.mf.cz and www.kniha.cz
Nakladatelství MOBA (L202, )
Kotlářská 53
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Ing. Olga Ströbingerová, ředitelka nakladatelství
- Petr Lovecký, zástupce ředitele
tel.: +420 541 126 051
fax: +420 541 126 051
Historical and crime novels, original Czech detective stories, world crime, fiction, Scandinavian crime fiction, non-fiction, light fiction, women‘s fiction.
Moon & Light s.r.o. (L205, )
J. Plachty 22
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
- Dr. Jiří Rys, jednatel
- Veronika Vasiljevová, distribuce, prodej
Specialist in bookmarks – magnetic, lenticular, traditional.
Moravské zemské muzeum (L802, )
Zelný trh 6
659 37 Brno
Czech Republic
- Milan Mačinec, vedoucí edičního oddělení
- Eva Hlavatková, obchodní referent
tel.: +420 533 435 285, 533 435 310
fax.: +420 533 435 325
Specialised magazines and monographs, popular-science literature, catalogues.
Motiv Press s.r.o. (L610, )
Řehořova 14
618 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Ing. Martin Moravec, MBA, ředitel
- Lucie Máčiková, zástupce ředitele
tel./mob.: +420 799 506 332
Nakladatelství MOTTO - Albatros Media a.s. (P208, )
Na Pankráci 30/1618
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
- Miluše Krejčová, šéfredaktorka
- ,
tel.: +420 261 397 287
fax: +420 234 633 262
MOTTO publishes high-quality literature in the Czech original and translation, popular psychology, guides and self-help books, detective novels.
Muslimská obec v Praze (L613, )
Blatská 1491
198 00 Praha 9 - Kyje
Czech Republic
- Dr. Vladimír Sáňka, předseda, ředitel
- ,
tel.: +420 224 227 903, mob.: +420 605 773 300
Provides information, dialogue and publications; meets the needs of Muslims.
Muzeum hlavního města Prahy (L416, )
Kožná 1
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Lenka Hensen, produkční, redaktor
- Mgr. Olga Šámalová, vedoucí prezentačního oddělení
tel.: +420 221 012 922, mob.: +420 725 585 703
fax: +420 224 214 306
The museum compiles, maintains and presents collections that document the history of Prague and its inhabitants, from ancient times to the present day.
Nakladatelství Fraus, s.r.o. (P201, )
Edvarda Beneše 72
301 00 Plzeň
Czech Republic
- Ing. Marie Nováková, vedoucí marketingu
- Lucie Juhászová, DiS., vedoucí obchodu
tel.: +420 377 226 102
fax: +420 377 224 594
Publisher offering a complete system of education, printed coursebooks, electronic materials, learning portal and teacher-education programme.
Nakladatelství PASPARTA, o.p.s. (L208, )
Zlončice 179
278 01 Zlončice
Czech Republic
- Ing. Magdalena Čáslavská, ředitelka
- Mgr. Martin Mařík, obchodní ředitel
Social enterprise that provides information on autism and employs people with ASD.
Národní divadlo (L404, )
Ostrovní 1
112 30 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- doc. MgA. Jan Burian, ředitel
- PhDr. Jiří Adamík, obchodní odbor
Culture, theater, opera, balet, drama.
Národní filmový archiv (L817, )
Malešická 12
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
- Helena Černohorská, distribuce publikací
- ,
The National Film Archive publishes books on film, DVDs and the professional journal Iluminace.
Národní informační a poradenské středisko pro kulturu - NIPOS (L706, )
Fügnerovo nám. 5, P.O.Box 12
120 21 Praha 2
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Jana Lázňovská, ředitelka
- PhDr. Jana Radová, zástupce ředitele
tel.: +420 221 507 935, mob.: +420 732 343 378
National Information and Consulting Centre for Culture (NIPOS). Support of the non-professional arts, the statistics and funding of culture.
Národní knihovna ČR – National Library of the Czech Republic (P610, )
Klementinum 190
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Hana Vajnerová, Public Relations
- ,
The National Library is one of the oldest public libraries in the Czech Republic with collections of a size far outranking any other library in the country. It acquires, preserves, continuously updates and provides access to its rich collections, both domestic and foreign, especially of Bohemica and documents from the spheres of social and natural sciences.
Národní muzeum (L405, )
Václavské náměstí 68
115 79 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Jaroslav Richter, vedoucí edičního oddělení
- Mgr. Roman Lang, ediční oddělení
Building and management of collections, science and research, education, publishing.
Národní památkový ústav (L512, )
Valdštejnské náměstí 3
118 01 Praha 1
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 257 010 111
fax: +420 257 533 527
The National Heritage Institute is a professional and research organization of state heritage preservation.
Národní technické muzeum (P503, )
Kostelní 42
170 78 Praha 7
Czech Republic
- RNDr. Ivana Lorencová, vedoucí Oddělení dějin techniky
- Mgr. Adam Dušek, vedouccí Oddělení prezentace a práce s veřejností
tel.: +420 220 399 190, mob.: +420 777 710 799
The NTM manages collections that document developments in engineering.
NAŠE VOJSKO – knižní distribuce s.r.o. (L303, )
Nad Vinným potokem 1148/4
101 00 Praha 10 - Vršovice
Czech Republic
- PhDr. Emerich Drtina, ředitel společnosti
- Bc. Dana Šůsová, výkonná ředitelka
Natur & Kultur (S201, )
Sehesteds gate 4, P. O. Box 27 323
102 54 Stockholm
NAVA (L201, )
Náměstí Republiky 17
301 00 Plzeň
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 377 324 189
fax: +420 377 324 189
Publisher of fiction in the original Czech and in translation, biography, literature for children and young people, fantasy, non-fiction, crime fiction, books on regional topics.
Návrat domů (L806, )
Plzeňská 166, P.O.Box 25
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
- Petr Vobořil, obchodní zástupce
- ,
tel.: +420 257 220 717
fax: +420 257 215 958
Quality literature focusing on applied psychology, interpersonal relationships, children’s upbringing, and the value system in human life.
Nemira (S107, )
Str. Chișcani No. 25 -27, Grant Center
Bucharest, Sector 1
tel.: +40 21 224 1600
fax: +40 21 313 6162
Nepustilova jazyková škola (P403, )
Sokolská 366/1
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Jiří Nepustil, jednatel
- Marcela Dědková, koordinátor kurzů
tel./mob.: +420 603 526 019
Courses of English using the Nepustil method. Coursebooks,CD/MP3, DVD.
New Era Publications International (L708, )
Smedeland 20
2600 Glostrup
- Thomas Göldenitz, Vice President
- David Hostettler, Vice President
Personal development.
Niculescu (S107, )
Bd. Regiei No. 6D
060204 Bucharest, Sector 6
- Cristian Niculescu, Director
- ,
tel.: +40 21 312 9782
fax: +40 21 312 9783
NLN s.r.o., Nakladatelství Lidové noviny (L410, )
Náprstkova 272/10
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- RNDr. Eva Plešková, ředitelka
- ,
Lidové noviny publishing house. Major part of our publishing activities focuses on education and information, with emphasis on outstanding quality and up-to-date content. Key topics are history, journalism, linguistics, literary history, encyclopaedias. Publisher of Dějiny a současnost magazine, also operates specialised bookshops.
No Comprendo Press (S201, )
Thorvald Meyersgt. 32
0505 Oslo
No Greater Joy Ministries, Inc. (S110, )
- Mel Cohen, General Manager
- ,
Dedicated to the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ, No Greater Joy Ministries has been encouraging families and strengthening marriages for over 20 years. Their books and resources are now available in more than 45 languages.
NOI MEDIA PRINT Publishing House Ltd. (S107, )
Str. Tokyo No. 1
011765 Bucharest, Sector 1
tel.: +40 21 222 0734, tel.: +40 21 222 0776
fax: +40 21 222 0786
P. O. Box 1414 Vika
0115 Oslo
- Oliver Moystad, Senior Adviser
- ,
Norské velvyslanectví (S201, )
Hellichova 458/1
118 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 257 111 500
fax: +420 257 111 501
The Norwegian Embassy promotes Norwegian-Czech cultural cooperation.
Norstedts AB (S201, )
Tryckerigatan 4, P. O. Box 2052
103 12 Stockholm
Nová Akropolis z.s. (L415, )
Varšavská 19
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
- Lucie Šrámková,
- PhDr. Slavica Kroča, ředitelka
tel.: +420 222 515 152, mob.: +420 608 501 040
Publisher of literature on philosophy and the social sciences.
Novela bohemica (L406, )
Jana Růžičky 1143
148 00 Praha 4 - Kunratice
Czech Republic
- Zdenko Pavelka, jednatel
- Zuzana Micková, vedoucí PR
tel.: +420 723 139 857, mob.: +420 731 512 688
Novela Bohemica publishes fiction (especially prose) and nonfiction. By uncovering recent history, it opens up new perspectives on the Czech homeland and our changing world.
Obaly na knihy Decente BB (L703, )
Na Vyhlídce 1533
564 01 Žamberk
Czech Republic
- Ing. Barbora Bartošová,
- ,
Textile covers for hand-made Czech books. Our covers are made from high-quality materials, are reinforced and have a sewn-in bookmark. We provide traditional and adjustable covers in many designs and sizes. Now we sew doubled-sided fabric book-covers, too.
Odeon (S202, )
Nádražní 896/30
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
- Zuzana Turňová, PR Manager
- ,
tel.: +420 296 536 111
fax: +420 296 536 935
OFFICIAL GAZETTE Publishing House (S107, )
Str. Parcului No. 65
012329 Bucharest, Sector 1
- Adriana Costescu, Director
- ,
tel.: +40 21 318 5127
fax: +40 21 318 5109
Nakladatelství Olympia, s.r.o. (L001, )
Werichova 973
252 67 Velké Přílepy
Czech Republic
- PhDr. Jaroslav Kotouč, mob.: +420 602 248 356, jkotouc(et)iolympia.cz, šéfredaktor
- Ing. Karel Hejna, mob.: +420 602 379 605, khejna(et)iolympia.cz, ředitel
Sport, tourism, literature for young people, non-fiction, fiction.
Nakladatelství Omega (L501, )
Na Strži 1683/40
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
- Petr Dobrovský, jednatel
- Michael Šoták, Manager
Publisher of time-tested authors and classic works of Czech and world literature.
OneHotBook (L207, )
V středu 26/269
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic
- Šárka Nováková, PR, redaktorka
- Martin Pilař, majitel
Our range of audiobooks comprises of works by contemporary writers, but also modern classics and playful stories for children. We don´t see audiobook as mere re-reading of the book, but as an interpretation art with its own atmosphere created by quality sound work and original music.
ORIZONTURI Publishing House (S107, )
Bd. Libertății No. 4, Bl. 117, Et. 7, Ap. 20
040128 Bucharest, Sector 4
tel.: +40 21 317 7679, +40 744 531 333
Otava (S201, )
Uudenmaankatu 10
00120 Helsinki
Ottovo nakladateľstvo (S116, )
Dostojovského rad 1
811 09 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Popular educational pictorial literature.
Oxford Literary and Rights Agency, Ltd. (S110, )
10 Priors Lane, Hinton Waldrist
SN7 8RX Oxfordshire
United Kingdom
tel.: +44 1865 820 047
fax: +44 1865 820 047
Agency, specializing in Central and Eastern Europe, represents British and American publishers (mostly non-fiction, popular science, academic titles).
Oxford University Press (S102, P002, )
Great Clarendon Street
OX2 6DP Oxford
United Kingdom
tel.: +44 1865 556 767
fax: +44 1865 556 646
P.R.A. Publishing (S110, )
- Lucinda Clark, Publisher
- ,
We are independent press based in Georgia. We specialize in the work of authors from diverse backgrounds. We have published children's, young adult fiction and poetry. We have a number of new projects in foreign fiction in our pipeline.
SOCIETATEA PAIDEIA Publishing House (S107, )
Piața Unirii No. 1
Bucharest, Sector 3
tel.: +40 31 425 3442
fax: +40 21 316 8221
Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. (P002, )
RG21 6XS Basingstoke, Hampshire
United Kingdom
tel.: +44 1256 329 242
fax: +44 1256 330 688
Palmknihy s.r.o. (P606, )
Malá Štupartská 634/7
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Adam Blecha, tel.: +420 602 212 662, ředitel
- Lucie Vávrová, tel.: +420 774 739 286, obchodní ředitelka
Distribution and transfer of electronic books. Vast range of titles.
Klub deskových her Paluba (P612, )
Lidická 40
150 00 Praha 5 - Smíchov
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 222 725 822 (222-PALUBA)
Board games club, open to wide public, in which you can play over 700 various board games. We also offer clubs specialized for particular games - bridge, mahjong, Scrabble or war games.
PANT (S101, )
Nábřežní 1272/2a
725 25 Polanka nad Odrou
Czech Republic
Modern History series.
Nakladatelství Panteon s.r.o. (L107, )
Národní 21
110 01 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Roman Schmidt, Ph. D., ředitel
- ,
Publisher of successful fiction from abroad.
PAPERY.CZ (L812, )
Markupova 2594/11
193 00 Praha 9
Czech Republic
Range of accessories for bookshops and stationers’.
PARALELA 45 Publishing House (S107, )
Str. Frații Golești, No. 130
110174 Pitești
tel.: +40 721 247 918, +40 248 214 533
fax: +40 248 631 439
Nakladatelství PASEKA s.r.o. (L412, )
Chopinova 4
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
- Ing. Anna Rezková Horáčková, majitelka nakladatelství
- Filip Mikeš, vedoucí obchodního oddělení
tel.: +420 222 710 751, mob.: +420 734 603 236
Traditional Czech publishing house. Literature in Czech original and translation, nonfiction, children’s literature and other genres.
Paulínky s.r.o. (L514, )
Petrská 9
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Andrea Hýblová, manažerka
- Mgr. Isidora Pérez, ředitelka, Mgr. Judith Hidalgo, Rights Manager
tel.: +420 222 311 206, mob.: +420 734 692 864
fax: +420 222 311 206
Publisher of Christian literature and films whose contents overlap with other areas of the humanities. Own e-shop at www.paulinky.cz.
Pavel Mervart (L503, )
Lhota 330, P.O.Box 5
549 41 Červený Kostelec
Czech Republic
Philosophy, history, Christianity, anthropology, biology, poetry.
PBtisk a.s. (L605, )
Dělostřelecká 344
261 01 Příbram I
Czech Republic
- Jaroslav Škudrna, Manager obchodu
- ,
tel.: +420 318 493 711
fax: +420 318 493 720
B+W and colour printing and binding under one roof. Advanced technologies for offset and digital printing. Production of books, brochures and promotional materials in single and multiple copies. Printing on Heidelberg and OCÉ presses. All types of binding on Kolbus, Horizon, Aster lines (paperback, hardcover, saddle stiched). Delivery to all european countries.
People's Press (S201, )
Vester Farimagsgade 41
1606 Copenhagen V
PERFEKT, a.s. (S116, )
Karpatská 7
811 01 Bratislava 1
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 5249 9783-5
fax: +421 2 5249 9788
Non-fiction, popular-science literature, books for children, reference books.
Časopis PEVNOST (P613, )
Černokostelecká 20
100 00 Praha 10
Czech Republic
- Ing. Kristina Nowakowska, vydavatel
- Josef Horký, šéfredaktor
Monthly for fantasy, sci-fi, horror in film, literature, games and history.
Phoenix Books Ltd. (S102, )
Ty Derlwyn, Pandy
NP7 8DR Aberganvenny
United Kingdom
tel.: +44 1873 890 972
fax: +44 1873 890 972
Supplier of books in English to academic libraries and institutions.
Pistorius & Olšanská (L108, )
Pražská 128
261 01 Příbram
Czech Republic
- RNDr. Vladimír Pistorius, jednatel
- ,
Publishes original Czech and translated fiction and non-fiction.
PLAV - měsíčník pro světovou literaturu (L118, )
U Studánky 5
170 00 Praha 7
Czech Republic
- Alexej Sevruk, šéfredaktor
- Jan Smolka, tajemník
tel.: +420 608 703 689, mob.: +420 606 646 692
Plav monthly is a literary magazine that focuses on fiction in original translation, supplemented with theoretical articles, translation criticism and reviews.
Nakladatelství Plus - Albatros Media a.s. (P208, )
Na Pankráci 30/1618
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
- Martina Mašínová, šéfredaktorka
- ,
tel.: +420 261 397 281
fax: +420 234 633 262
Plus Publishers focuses on high-quality modern fiction for adults.
Pohledy.cz (L614, )
V Oblouku 114
251 01 Čestlice
Czech Republic
Online and wholesale distribution of postcards.
POLIROM Publishing House (S107, )
Bd. Copou No. 4
700506 Iași
- Silviu Lupescu, Director
- ,
tel.: +40 232 217 440, +40 232 218 363
fax: +40 232 217 440, +40 232 218 363
Polský institut v Praze (S101, )
Malé náměstí 1
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Maciej Ruczaj, vedoucí programového oddělení
- Beata Mocová, programový expert
tel.: +420 224 229 875, mob.: +420 732 614 350
fax: +420 224 223 010
Polish Institute Prague promotes the literature and culture of Poland in the Czech Republic.
Polygraf Print (S116, )
Čapajevova 44
080 01 Prešov
Slovak Republic
- Mgr. Miroslava Magdošková,
- ,
tel.: +421 51 746 0142, mob.: +421 903 704 158
fax: +421 51 771 3271
Printing house.
Portál, s.r.o. (L603, )
Klapkova 2
182 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic
- Ing. Jaroslav Kuchař, jednatel
- Mgr. Milan Miškařík, vedoucí obchodního oddělení
Portál publishes books and magazines on education and upbringing, psychology, sociology, politology and social work, and collections of games and ideas for the development of creativity.
Poutník - Klub Julese Vernea (P615, )
Matěchova 14
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
Prague’s Jules Verne Club is among the oldest sci-fi clubs in the former Czechoslovakia. Formed in 1969, it officially ceased to exist in 1970. Every year the club holds the Best Fantasy competition, whose winner receives the title Knight of the Order of Fantasy and a functional sword. Competition results are announced every year at the Parcon Fantasy Show. In 1990 we began to publish books, at first alone, later in cooperation with United Fans a.s., in the Poutník [Pilgrim] Book Series under the joint imprint Poutník. In 1999 the Jules Verne Club again began to publish books independently, in the Poutník Small Book Series under the imprint Poutník. The Club publishes sci-fi in translation and in the original Czech. Our house has published books by Jaroslav Mostecký, Vladimír Šlechta, Leonard Medek, Ivana Kuglerová, Vlado Říša, Richard Šusta, Jiří Kulhánek and Miroslav Žamboch.
powerprint s.r.o. (P408, )
Brandejsovo nám. 1219/1
165 00 Praha 6 - Suchdol
Czech Republic
- Ing. Zdeněk Janovec, ředitel, Rights Manager
- Ing. Lenka Siedeková, Manager
Czech market leader in short-run (digital) book printing, BookOnDemand printing and PrintOnDemand publications.
Prager Zeitung (Prago-Media spol. s r.o.) (L212, )
Jeseniova 51
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
- Hana Gaitzschová, prokuristka
- ,
tel.: +420 222 210 959, mob.: +420 606 613 212
fax: +420 226 216 798
Publisher of the German-language weekly Prager Zeitung.
Prague Cuisine (L211, )
Kubelíkova 1224/42
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
- Iva Jůzlová, produkční
- Karolina Víšková, event kordinátor
tel.: +420 734 326 775, mob.: +420 731 368 676
The Prague Cuisine company is a publisher, applications operator and holder of unique events for lovers of good food and true gourmets.
Praha město literatury (S109, )
Bělohorská 56/1666
169 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic
Coordinates Prague’s membership of the UNESCO Creative Cities of Literature Network.
PRESCO GROUP, a.s. (P303, )
Máchova 21
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
- JUDr. Petr Skokan, Partner
- Ing. Vít Pastorek, Sales Director
tel.: +420 222 922 040
fax: +420 222 922 058
Publisher and distributor of calendars, diaries, notebooks, school supplies and books. Active on the Czech market since 1995.
Mgr. Lenka Procházková, výtvarnice (L615, )
Resslova 844/34
400 01 Ústí nad Labem
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Lenka Procházková,
- ,
Original pictures, postcards, greetings cards, posters, colouring sheets and cutouts.
Quirk Books (S110, )
- Katherine McGuire, Manager, Licensing and Subsidiary Rights
- ,
Quirk Books publishes innovative and buzzworthy books that entertain, amuse, and inform. Founded in 2002, Quirk Books publishes books that are objects of desire and delight-in the categories of pop culture, humor and gift, horror, sci-fi, and mystery, food and drink, parenting, pets, history, crafts, reference, and of course, „irreference.“
Nakladatelství Dr. Josef Raabe s.r.o. (P406, )
Radlická 2487/99
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Stanislava Andršová, ředitelka nakladatelství
- Lucie Mazálková, zákaznický servis
Raabe is a specialist publisher for education. We publish workbooks for (pre-)school children and children with special needs as well as specialist publications for head teachers of nursery and primary schools.
Rabén & Sjögren (S201, )
Tryckerigatan 4, P. O. Box 2052
103 12 Stockholm
Radioservis, a. s. - Radiotéka.cz (L824, )
Olšanská 55/5
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
- Kateřina Konopásková, tel.: +420 272 096 306, ředitelka
- Alena Dohnalová, distribuce
tel.: +420 272 096 304, mob.: +420 724 313 194
Publishes CDs (spoken word and all genres of music), books and Týdeník Rozhlas magazine.
RAO Publishing Group (S107, )
Str. Bârgăului, nr. 9-11
013233 Bucharest
- Ovidiu Enculescu, Director
- ,
tel.: +40 21 224 1231
fax: +40 31 224 8989
REGENT, s.r.o. (S116, )
Štefánikova 19
811 04 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 5249 1998
fax: +421 2 5249 1998
Fiction, technical literature, books for children.
týdeník RESPEKT (P302, )
Pernerova 673/47
186 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic
- Pavel Volčík, pavel.volcik(et)economia.cz, Senior Brand Manager
- Radka Fuksová, asistentka redakce
tel.: +420 233 074 520
fax: +420 233 074 545
Every week Respekt carries information on domestic and foreign affairs. It studies politics, economics and history, social issues and trends, monitors news in science and research and pays particular attention to culture. It issues a literary supplement twice a year.
Ročenkomat (P003, )
Jug. partyzánů 16
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic
- Katrin Matušková, mozek společnosti
- Petra Antošová, duchovní matka
We make stylish yearbooks that ensure students remember their schoolfriends and school experiences.
Rom Praha o.s. (P404, )
Vocelova 602/3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
Ministry of Culture - Romania (S107, )
Bulevardul Unirii nr. 22, sector 3
030 833 Bucharest
- Luminita Corneanu, Councelor
- Alexandru Popescu, Inspector
tel.: +40 21 224 3689, mob.: +40 740 540 115
fax: +40 21 224 3689
Ministry of Culture of Romania organizes the national stand at the most important international book fairs worldwide. Its presence ensures the promotion of all the relevant actors in the national publishing field: authors, translators, publishers.
Rowman & Littlefield International (P002, )
Unit A, Whitacre Mews, 26-34 Stannary Street
SE11 4AB London
United Kingdom
tel.: +44 (0)1752 202 374
Ruská Tradice o.s. (P404, )
Vocelova 602/3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
Ruské středisko vědy a kultury v Praze (P407, )
Na Zátorce 16/1048
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic
- Andrej Končakov, vedoucí oddělení kultury
- Veronika Novoselova, vedoucí oddělení vědy a školství, Radosť Malijeva, knihovnice
tel.: +420 233 376 471, 233 370 480
fax: +420 233 370 483
Preparation and holding of events in the spheres of culture, science and education.
Řecká obec Praha o.s. (P404, )
Vocelova 602/3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
- Ing. Androniki Podlahová,
- ,
Ing. Dagmar Al-Salmanová – SABRA (P002, )
U Svépomoci 887/8
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
- Ing. Dagmar Al-Salmanová, majitelka firmy
- ,
mob.: +420 602 339 909
fax: +420 251 565 549
Import of specialized foreign literature with special focus on encyclopaedias.
Sage Publications (S102, P002, )
1 Oliver´s Yard, 55 City Road
EC1Y 1SP London
United Kingdom
tel.: +44 207 324 8500
fax: +44 207 324 8600
Det Norske Samlaget (S201, )
Jens Bjelkes gate 12
0506 Oslo
Sartika Mira (S110, )
Gedung Gajah Unit AE, Jalan Sahardjo No. 111
12860 Jakarta
There is no existing map of civilization one can use as a reference to the pattern of human history. Though repeated, the rise and fall of civilizations are of the same culture but in different nuance. Yet, each civilization has its owned characteristics. For this reason, mapping of civilizations is indeed elementary that people might have overlooked it." www.getscoop.com/id/buku/the-map-of-civilization-a-geocultural-synthesis instead of www.wayang.co.id/index.php/toko/detail/50329.
Scriptorium, spolek pro nekomerční vydávání odborné literatury (P504, )
Nad Pazdernou 397
252 41 Dolní Břežany
Czech Republic
- Marek Lašťovka, předseda
- ,
Non-commercial publisher of academic history publications in short print runs.
Sdružení Ukrajinců a příznivců Ukrajiny o.s. (P404, )
Vocelova 602/3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
SEQOY (L403, )
K Žižkovu 9
190 00 Praha 9
Czech Republic
- Jiří Pavlovský, majitel
- Michal Juránek, ředitel
tel.: +420 603 837 842
fax: +420 271 741 509
Distribution and publishing of sci-fi, horror, fantasy and comic books.
SHOCart s.r.o. (L601, )
Zádveřice 48
763 12 Vizovice
Czech Republic
Publisher of cartography.
Shromáždění Němců v Čechách na Moravě a ve Slezsku, o.s. (P404, )
Vocelova 602/3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
Nakladatelství Schola ludus – Pragensia (L311, )
Buzulucká 6
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic
- PhDr. Kateřina Bečková, majitelka
- ,
Pragensia, books, postcards.
Schweizer International s.r.o. (L801, )
Puškinovo náměstí 493/5
160 00 Praha 6 - Bubeneč
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 518 342 580
fax: +420 518 342 581
The LEU Brain Stimulator. Pedagogical aid that develops creativity and logical thinking.
- Harry Dillon, Publisher
- ,
Sight See Books is a Chicago-based publishing company specializing in photo game books with a twist of trivia.
Skandinávský dům, z.s. (S201, )
Dejvická 3
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic
- Michal Švec, předseda
- Jitka Jindřišková,
Presents the culture of the Nordic countries in the Czech Republic and operates a Scandinavian library.
Nakladatelství SLOVART, s.r.o. (L003, )
Oderská 333/5
196 00 Praha 9 – Čakovice
Czech Republic
- Juraj Heger, jednatel, Ondřej Materna, obchodní a marketinkový ředitel
- Zdeněk Holuša, distribuce,
tel.: +420 266 177 141
fax: +420 266 177 147
Publishes mostly illustrated popularscience books for children and adults, books of art education, picture books and encyclopaedias. Delivery and export of books (monographs, architecture, design, photography).
Slovenská národná galéria (S116, )
Riečna 1
815 31 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 5922 6133
fax: +421 2 5443 3971
Exhibition catalogues, monographs, professional art history literature.
Slovenská národná knižnica (S117, )
Nám. J. C. Hronského 1
036 01 Martin
Slovak Republic
- Ing. Katarína Krištofová, PhD., generální ředitelka
- Mgr. Slávka Gulánová, MBA, ředitelka kanceláře generální ředitelky SNK
tel.: +421 43 2451 131, mob.: +421 905 541 562
The Slovak National Library acquires, professionally processes, stores, protects and provides access to documents of Slovakiana from home and abroad. It coordinates developments in the national library system. In 2015 SNL completed the large-scale, nationwide digitalization of written cultural heritage, thanks to which it has established a top-class facility for the restoration, conservation and digitalization of documents.
Slovenské pedagogické nakladateľstvo – Mladé letá (S116, )
Sasinkova 5
815 19 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 5556 4293, 5022 7312
fax: +421 2 5542 5758
Educational literature, textbooks, dictionaries, light literature, historical literature, fiction, literature for children, encyclopaedias.
Slovenský inštitút v Prahe (S116, )
Jilská 450/16
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Ladislav Snopko, ředitel
- ,
tel.: +420 224 948 135-7
fax: +420 224 949 042
Slovenský spisovateľ, a.s. (S116, )
Vajnorská 128
832 92 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 4445 3020
fax: +421 2 4444 1239
Fiction, poetry.
Solution Tree Press (S110, )
Solution Tree is a leading provider of educational resources and services that improve staff and student performance. For more than 20 years, Solution Tree resources, professional development, and events have helped K–12 teachers and administrators create schools where all children succeed.
SPN – pedagogické nakladatelství, a.s. (P101, )
Ostrovní 30
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 224 931 447
fax: +420 224 931 447
Textbooks and educational publications for primary and secondary schools and the general public.
Společnost přátel podkarpatské Rusi o.s. (P404, )
Vocelova 602/3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
Spolok sv. Vojtecha – VOJTECH, spol. s r. o. (S116, )
Radlinského 5
917 01 Trnava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 33 590 7727
fax: +421 33 590 7760
Christian literature.
Střední škola knižní kultury, o.p.s. (P405, )
Perunova 6
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
- PhDr. Alice Krýžová, Ph.D., ředitelka
- Martina Kulhánková, zástupkyně ředitelky
Courses for the preparation of specialists in all areas of book culture and business.
Studio Ypsilon (L213, )
Spálená 16
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Aneta Filipová, tisková mluvčí
- ,
Leading Czech theatre that produces publications on its own activities and theatre in general.
SUPRAPHON a.s. (L807, )
Palackého 740/1
112 99 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Building on its own best traditions, Supraphon is a key publisher on the domestic market. Alongside popular and classical music, spoken-word recordings are now an important part of its programme.
Svaz českých knihkupců a nakladatelů, z.s. (S108, )
Drtinova 557/10
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
- Marcela Turečková, výkonná tajemnice
- ,
tel.: +420 227 018 335, mob.: +420 604 200 597
Organization for professionals in bookselling and publishing. Its aims are to protect the common interests of publishers, book distributors and booksellers, to contribute to the development of Czech book culture in the Czech Republic, and – in cooperation with other parties – to promote Czech literature. Its core membership includes leading Czech booksellers, publishers, book distributors and some libraries. SČKN: - comments on forthcoming legislation with a potential impact on the book industry - gives legal advice to its members - provides a professional information service for its members and the public (at www.sckn.cz) - maintains a bibliographical database (at www.ceskeknihy.cz) - produces and confers the Jiří Orten Prize for young authors - has created The Book: a Lifelong Addiction, a non-commercial campaign for the promotion of reading - organizer of ‘VAT-free Books: Books Get the Green Light’, a nationwide campaign in support of the book - regularly publishes rankings of bestselling books - organizes seminars and lectures for/by professionals - is a member of the international organizations FEP (for publishers) - founded Svět knihy s.r.o. [Book World Ltd.] in 1997 - - publishes the fortnightly Knižní novinky [New Books] and bibliographical supplement - Knižní novinky [Book News] - Milan Šilhan, Editor in Chief, mob.: +420 728 900 832, Martina Hostomská, Advertising Agency - mob.: +420 776 705 930, knizni.novinky(et)volny.cz, www.sckn.cz.
Svojtka & Co., s.r.o. (L204, )
Soběslavská 40
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 271 736 610
fax: +420 272 731 413
Illustrated books, encyclopedias, books and folding books for children, Lonely Planet guides in Czech, art books, music, direct sales, co-editions.
Sztuka Rodzinna Narcyz Kamiński (L704, )
Dąbrowa 15/30
85-147 Bydgoszcz
- Narcyz Kamiński, Founder
- ,
tel./mob.: +48 504 230 217
fax: +48 222 428 411
Sztuka Rodzinna – fine journal producer, looking for distribution in Czech Republic.
ŠULC–ŠVARC, s.r.o. (L304, )
Oldřichova 52
128 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
- Veronika Baštová, jednatel
- ,
tel.: +420 234 090 055, mob: +420 724 116 162
fax: +420 234 090 082
Publisher of original Czech novels.
Tammi (S201, )
Korkeavuorenkatu 37
00130 Helsinki
TATRAPLAN s.r.o. (P507, )
Cementárenská cesta 16
974 01 Banská Bystrica
Slovak Republic
- Ing. Ivan Uhrin, jednatel
- Ing. Elena Uhrinová, jednatel
tel.: +421 48 413 090, mob.: +421 905 622 764
fax: +421 48 413 090
TATRAPLAN – cartographic publications, especially tourist maps.
Taylor & Francis Publishers (S102, P002, )
11 New Fetter Lane
EC4P 4EE London
United Kingdom
tel.: +44 207 583 9855
fax: +44 207 583 2298
Teapot s. r. o. (P301A, )
Ovenecká 42
170 00 Praha 7
Czech Republic
- Martin Nedvěd, Lukáš Novosad, Rudolf Leška, ředitel
- Lukáš Novosad, Dorota Nováková, Rights Manager
tel./mob.: +420 607 034 777
The Teapot publishing house and bookshop specializes in publications for bibliophiles. We approach the book as an artistic artefact - the harmonious product of all the crafts and arts that share in its making. Our aim is to maximize the connection between text and illustration by using interesting, innovative fonts and papers, and de luxe typography and binding.
TEORA Publishing House (S107, )
Calea Moșilor No. 211
020863 Bucharest, Sector 2
- Teodor Răducanu, Chairman
- ,
tel.: +40 31 810 0007
fax: +40 21 210 3828
Teos (S201, )
Kasarmikatu 23a
00130 Helsinki
Těšínské papírny s.r.o. (P206, )
Bezručova 212/17
737 01 Český Těšín
Czech Republic
- Jiří Matuszek, jednatel společnosti
- Hana Peterová, zákaznický servis
tel.: +420 733 754 646
fax: +420 558 711 628
Purely Czech printing house with long tradition and comprehensive range of services in the field of book printing, binding and finishing.
Tchajpejská hospodářská a kulturní kancelář (S114, )
Evropská 33c
160 00 Praha 6 – Dejvice
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 233 320 720
fax: +420 233 322 944
TNM PRINT s.r.o. (P502, )
Nové Město 14
503 51 Chlumec nad Cidlinou
Czech Republic
- Olga Poučová, obchodní manažer
- Petr Báša, ředitel
Provision of complex print production services.
Toronto UP (P002, )
10 St Mary Street, Suite 700
M4Y 2W8 Toronto ON
tel.: +416 978 2251 (DL*)
fax: +416 978 4738
TRACUS ARTE Publishing House (S107, )
Str. Pictor Sava Henția No. 2
Bucharest, Sector 1
- Ioan Cristescu, Director
- ,
TREI Publishing Group (S107, )
Str. Sfântul Constantin No. 9, Ap. 1
Bucharest, Sector 1
- Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, General Director
- ,
tel.: +40 21 300 0109
fax: +40 372 252 020
TRIO Publishing, s.r.o. (S116, )
Trajajánova 3/A
851 10 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
- PhDr. Magdalena Fazekašová,
- ,
Architecture & design, children´s books, fiction, history, picture books, poetry.
TRITONIC Publishing House (S107, )
Str. Coacăzelor, No. 5
022651 Bucharest, Sector 2
Studio trnka s.r.o. (L111, )
V Podbabě 18
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic
Trnka Publishers specialise in Czech traditions. In Edice naší babičky (Our Grandmother’s Edition) publications are brought out which reflect on the wisdom of our predecessors. Edice Jiří Trnka (Jiří Trnka Edition) publishes literature that derives from the works of this national artist. There is an emphasis on the value of classical works for children. The spirit of the publishers is to be found in the academic artist Klára Trnková and her daughter Tereza Šebestíková.
Tushita Verlag GmbH (L510, )
Meidericher Str. 6-8
47058 Duisburg
- Michael Hellbach, Editor
- Ruth Schäfer, Export Manager
tel.: +49 (0)203 800 9716
fax: +49 (0)203 800 9716
Tushita and the art of Joy - Calendars, Postcards Blankbooks and more.
Týdeník Echo (L409, )
Malostranské náměstí 203/14
118 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Dalibor Balšínek, ředitel
- Petra Feřtrová, obchodní ředitelka
Echo Media a.s. is the publisher of Týdeník Echo, a weekly for independent opinion, and the online daily echo.24.cz. Týdeník Echo addresses the most important events at home and abroad, providing commentary, analysis and interviews and taking its lead from prestigious weeklies across the world.
Tympanum audioknihy (L504, )
Bolzanova 1615/1
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Josef Burkovský, ředitel
- Tomáš Výchopeň, obchodní ředitel
The best audiobooks: bestsellers, thrillers, children’s books, crime fiction, fantasy.
Ukrajinská iniciativa o.s. (P404, )
Vocelova 602/3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
RUTA, Ukrajinský žurnál (S103, )
Pod Jiráskovou čtv. 14
147 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
Cultural and educational activities; dissemination of information on Ukrainian culture.
Str. Luigi Cazzavillan No. 17
Bucharest, Sector 1
- Vlad Radu Popa, Director
- ,
tel.: +40 21 317 9035, +40 731 110 062
fax: +40 378 105 718
Univers Publishing House (S107, )
Str. Suvenir No. 4, ap. 3
Bucharest, Sector 2
- Alina Hlinski, Editor in Chief
- ,
tel.: +40 21 315 3307
fax: +40 21 315 3308
UNIVERSITARIA Publishing House (S107, )
Str. Brestei, No. 156A
tel.: +40 251 598 054
fax: +40 251 412 479
University of Bucharest Publishing House (S107, )
Şoseaua Panduri No. 90-92
Bucharest, Sector 5
- Alexandru Calmâcu, Editor in Chief
- ,
tel.: +40 21 410 2384
fax: +40 21 410 2384
University of Chicago Press (P002, )
1427 E. 60th Street
IL 60637 Chicago
tel.: + 1 773 702 7700
fax:+ 1 773 702 9756
University of Pennsylvania Press (S110, )
The University of Pennsylvania Press publishes books and periodicals with scholarly, intellectual, and educational merit. The Press releases over 140 new titles annually in the fields of history, culture; anthropology; landscape architecture; studio arts; human rights; Jewish studies; and political science.
Universum (S202, )
Nádražní 896/30
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
- Zuzana Turňová, PR Manager
- ,
tel.: +420 296 536 111
fax: +420 296 536 935
Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta (P602, )
nám. Jana Palacha 2
116 38 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Ondřej Pittauer, vedoucí vydavatelství
- Mgr. Ondřej Sýkora, distribuce a propagace
tel.: +420 221 619 298, mob: +420 731 439 761
fax: +420 221 619 310
Specialist monographs, textbooks and scholarly magazines for the social sciences.
Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Nakladatelství Karolinum (P601, )
Ovocný trh 3
116 36 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Milan Šusta, mob.: +420 606 622 025, milan.susta(et)ruk.cuni.cz
- Eliška Kaplanová, propagace, eliska.kaplanova(et)ruk.cuni.cz
tel.: +420 224 491 271
fax: +420 224 212 041
Textbooks and study texts, science monographs and miscellanea, dictionaries and scientific journals.
Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci – Vydavatelství (P202, )
Biskupské nám. 1
777 11 Olomouc
Czech Republic
- RNDr. Hana Dziková, ředitelka
- ,
tel.: +420 585 631 704
fax: +420 585 235 276
Publisher and distributor of study materials and specialised literature.
Univerzita Pardubice (P202, )
Studentská 95
532 10 Pardubice
Czech Republic
- Ing. Ivo Holava, vedoucí vydavatelství
- ,
tel.: +420 466 036 132, mob.: +420 724 743 673
fax: +420 466 036 361
Specialized literature on the natural, technical and social sciences.
Ústav Blízkého východu a Afriky - Filozofická fakulta - Univerzita Karlova v Praze (L805, )
Celetná 20
116 42 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů – Česká republika (P306, )
Siwiecova 2
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
- Michal Hroza, ředitel Odboru produkčního, michal.hroza(et)ustrcr.cz
- Alžběta Medková, redaktorka, alzbeta.medkova(et)ustrcr.cz
Literature on 20th-century history for the specialist and the general reader.
Vazraždane o.s. (P404, )
Vocelova 602/3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
AC24 s.r.o., Časopis VĚDOMÍ (P505, )
Jaurisova 515/4
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
tel./mob.: +420 775 921 243
A unique, uncensored magazine for all those who wish to be truly free.
VELbloud, o.s. (L516, )
Jungmannova 972
440 01 Louny
Czech Republic
- Jiří Prokop, tiskový mluvčí
- Luboš Drbohlav, šéfredaktor
Publishes VELbloud, a magazine on travel, culture and the history of the Middle East with a high information content and a high-quality photographic supplement.
VELLANT Publishing House (S107, )
Splaiul Independenţei No. 319, Complex SEMA PARC, O.P. 84
060044 Bucharest, Sector 6
- Dan Pleșa, Executive Director
- ,
tel.: +40 722 557 633, +40 21 211 7741
fax: +40 31 805 9825
Velvyslanectví Švédska (S201, )
Úvoz 13, P.O.Box 35
118 00 Praha 1, 160 12 Praha 612
Czech Republic
- Martin Severýn, kulturní referent
- Amelie Heinsjö, Rada velvyslanectví
tel.: +420 220 313 200
fax: +420 220 313 240
Diplomatic mission.
VIVALDI Publishing House Ltd. (S107, )
Str. Polonă No. 92, bl. 17A+B, Sc. 1, Ap. 1
- Rodica Sava, General Director
- ,
Nakladatelství a vydavatelství Volvox Globator (L305, )
Štítného 17
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
- Ing. Vít Houška, majitel
- ,
tel.: +420 224 217 721
fax: +420 224 217 721
Publisher specialising in fiction and popular-science literature.
VREMEA Press Publishing House (S107, )
Str. Constantin Daniel, No. 14
010631 Bucharest, Sector 1
- Silvia Colfescu, Director
- ,
Nakladatelství Josef Vybíral (L113, )
Žalkovice 27
768 23 Břest
Czech Republic
The world of Jules Verne, comics, Helenčino pečení.
Vydavatelství Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Palackého (P202, )
Třída Svobody 26
771 80 Olomouc
Czech Republic
- Lenka Pořízková, ředitelka
- Michal Kříž, Marketing, distribuce, prodej
tel.: +420 777 636 885, mob.: +420 774 231 579
Publisher of monographs in electronic formats and in print.
Vydavateľstvo BUVIK (S116, )
P.O. Box 18
814 99 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 5441 6092
fax: +421 2 5441 6092
Children´s literature.
Vydavateľstvo Matice slovenskej (S116, )
Škultétyho 1
036 01 Martin
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 43 490 6877
fax: +421 43 490 6874
Fiction, poetry, children’s literature, specialized literature, picture publications.
Vydavateľstvo Q111 (S116, )
J. C. Hronského 4
831 02 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 4445 7057
fax: +421 2 4445 7057
Fiction, poetry, children’s books, academic literature.
Vydavateľstvo RAK (S116, )
Budmerice 65
900 86 Budmerice
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 33 6448 1119
fax: +421 33 6448 1119
Historical literature.
Vydavateľstvo SLOVART (S116, )
Bojnická 10
830 00 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 4920 1800
fax: +421 2 4920 1899
Art publications, fiction, popular science literature, children’s literature.
Vydavateľstvo SSS / Vydavateľstvo Spolku slovenských spisovateľov (S116, )
Laurinská 2
814 99 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 5443 2671
fax: +421 2 5443 2671
Fiction, poetry, translated non-fiction, essays, children´s books.
Vydavateľstvo TATRAN, s.r.o. (S116, )
Klariská 16
815 82 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 5443 5849
fax: +421 2 5443 5717
Art publications, fiction.
Vydavateľstvo TOPAS (S116, )
Damborského 6
841 01 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Cookbooks, language books.
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, Nakladatelství Oeconomica (P204, )
nám. W. Churchilla 4
130 67 Praha 3
Czech Republic
- PhDr. Libuše Doubravová, ředitelka nakladatelství
- Jaroslava Navrátilová, referentka nakladatelství
tel.: +420 224 095 727, 224 095 810
fax: +420 224 095 575
Publisher of study and specialized literature.
Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze, Centrum informačních služeb (P202, )
Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6
Czech Republic
- Ing. Eva Dibuszová, Ph.D., vedoucí CIS VŠCHT Praha
- ,
The Centre for Information Services of the Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague specialises in the publishing of technical literature on chemistry – academic textbooks, conference miscellanies, technical dictionaries; in printed and electronic form, in Czech and in English. Some of them are available free of charge on the website of the Centre and ESO portal.
Vysoké učení technické v Brně - Nakladatelství VUTIUM (P202, )
Antonínská 1
601 90 Brno
Czech Republic
- PhDr. Karel Blažek, ředitel nakladatelství
- ,
Scientific monographs, university textbooks, translations of foreign textbooks and classic works, technical reference books and miscellanies.
Vyšehrad, spol. s r. o. (L604, )
Víta Nejedlého 15
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
- Jitka Suchá, marketing a propagace
- ,
tel.: +420 224 221 703
fax: +420 224 221 703
History and non-fiction literature, theology and philosophy, prose, poetry, gift publications, healthcare literature and cookbooks.
Knihkupectví Wales (L821, )
Bělehradská 8
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
- Tomáš Pečenka, zástupce ředitele
- ,
tel.: +420 241 741 952
fax: +420 241 741 952
Publisher and bookshop whose work centres on sci-fi and fantasy fiction.
Walker & Volf, audio vydavatelství (P615, )
Vysokovská 28
193 00 Praha 9
Czech Republic
- Jiří W. Procházka, jednatel
- Radek Volf, jednatel
tel./mob.: +420 605 295 495, mob.: +420 603 254 960
Walker & Volf is an audio publisher founded in 2014 by writer Jiří W. Procházka and director Radek Volf. Since its inception it has focused on original work, especially in the genres of SF, fantasy, horror and crime, publishing 19 audiobooks by leading Czech SF and fantasy writers. W&V audiobooks are narrated by leading voice actors. Since its founding W&V has taken part in Book World Prague every year.
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG (P002, )
Genthiner Strasse 13
D-10785 Berlin
tel: +49 30 260 05-0
fax: +49 30 260 05-251
Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö – WSOY (S201, )
Korkeavuorenkatu 37
00130 Helsinki
Wiley John (S102, P002, )
The Atrium, Southern Gate
PO19 8SQ Chichester, West Sussex
United Kingdom
tel.: +44 1243 779 777
fax: +44 1243 775 878
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd. (S102, P002, )
57 Shelton Street
WC2H 9HE London
United Kingdom
tel.: +44 207 836 0888
fax: +44 207 836 2020
XB-1 FANS (P615, )
A club for friends of sci-fi, fantasy and horror. A founding meeting complete with interesting presentations and guests will be held at the BookWorld fair under the patronage of the XB-1 literary magazine. More info at www.xb1fans.cz.
Konektor XB-1, s.r.o. (P615, )
Nám. Republiky 1081/7
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
- Alexandr Rusevský, vydavatel
- Ing. Vladimír Ríša, ředitel
XB-1 is the last large literary magazine to be published without subsidies or grants. Founded in 1990, it is a home of sci-fi, fantasy and horror. Each month it presents its readers with the best stories from the Czech Republic and abroad by selected authors, plus features and book and film reviews. It is aimed at the smart, thinking reader and is keen to help beginning authors.
Nakladatelství XYZ - Albatros Media a.s. (P208, )
Na Pankráci 30/1618
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
- Michaela Celárková, šéfredaktorka
- ,
tel.: +420 261 397 220
fax: +420 234 633 262
XYZ publishes literature in the Czech original and translation, biografy of celebrities, movie books and publications about comics.
Yale University Press (P002, )
47 Bedford Square
WC1B 3DP London
United Kingdom
tel.: +44 20 7079 4900
fax: + 44 20 7079 4901
Yoli (S202, )
Nádražní 896/30
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
- Zuzana Turňová, PR Manager
- ,
tel.: +420 296 536 111
fax: +420 296 536 935
Západočeská Univerzita v Plzni (P202, )
Univerzitní 8, P.O.Box 314
306 14 Plzeň
Czech Republic
- Mgr. Jakub Pokorný, vedoucí oddělení vydavatelství
- ,
Publisher of study materials and specialised literature.
Združenie vydavateľov a kníhkupcov Slovenskej republiky (S116, )
Ľubľanská 2
831 02 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
- RNDr. Daniel Kollár, CSc., předseda
- ,
tel.: +421 918 320 115, +421 2 2102 8580
The Association of Publishers and Booksellers of the Slovak Republic is an independent voluntary organization that represents the interests of its members, protects their publishing and business activities and concerns itself with their overall development. It also provides an advice and information service.
Země světa (P103, )
Brtnická 3
101 00 Praha 10
Czech Republic
- Miluše Žáková, jednatelka
- Aleš Žák, obchodní ředitel
tel.: +420 271 721 207
fax: +420 271 725 002
Magazine for travel and culture focusing on regions attractive to tourists.
ZONER Software, a.s. vydavatelství Zoner Press (L707, )
Nové sady 18
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Květa Filipi, marketing manažer
- ,
tel.: +420 532 190 883, mob.: +420 736 510 083
fax: +420 543 257 245
Photographic literature, books on drawing, painting and leisure.